Current Affairs: 6th July


  • PM expands Cabinet
  • Rule: 91st Constitution Amendment inserted article 75 (1A) which states that total number of minsters including Prime Minister in Central Council of Ministers cannot be more that 15% of strength of Lok Sabha. Hence, present strength = 545*15%= 82. (Maximum possible size).
  • Similar rule, through article 164(1A) applies to State Ministers, including Chief minister. Here, rule is 15% of size of respective Vidhan Sabha.
  • Changes:
    • Human Resource Development (Education): Prakash Javedkar
    • Textiles: Smriti Irani
    • Information and Broadcasting Ministry, additional charge given to Urban Development Minister M. Venkaiah Naidu.
    • Communication Potfolio: Manoj Sinha, who has been promoted to Minister of State with independent charge.
    • Statistics and Programme Implementation: D.V. Sadananda Gowda
    • Minister of State for Power Piyush Goel, gets Coal and Mines as well.
    • Law Ministry : Ravi Shankar Prasad
    • Steel: Chaudhary Bijendra Singh
    • Rural Development, Panchayati Raj, Drinking Water and Sanitation: Narendra Tomar.
    • Chemicals and Fertilizers Minister Ananth Kumar, has being given additional charge of Parliamentary Affairs.
    • Environment and Forests and Climate Change: Anil Madhav Dave, sworn in as Minister of State, Independent Charge.
    • Sports and Youth Affairs: Vijay Goel, Mos, Independent Charge.
    • Hence, total ministers including PM = 78.
  • Olympic Trivia:
    • 1900: Lone Athelete: Norman Pitchard represented India
    • 1920, Antwerp Belgium: first time India sent team to Olympics.
  • Sudarshan Sen has been as Executive Director of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). He will replace NS Vishwanathan who was elevated as Deputy Governor of RBI.
  • The Jawaharlal Nehru Port (JNPT) at Nhava Sheva in Raigad District of Maharashtra has become the first port in India to implement logistics data bank tagging system of containers. The first of its kind system has been launched as part of ‘Ease of Doing Business’ initiatives implemented at JNPT Port.
  • NASA’s Juno spacecraft has successfully entered into the orbit of Jupiter (4th July) and started orbiting solar system’s largest planet. The spacecraft is part of NASA’s New Frontiers program, launched in 2011 to study Jupiter’s composition, gravity field, magnetic field, and polar magnetosphere.
  • NASA has also extended mission New Horizons Mission: whose aim is to perform flyby study of Pluto System and study one or more objects in Kupier Belt.
    • Kuiper belt is a region of the solar system beyond the planets, extending from the orbit of Neptune. Like the asteroid belt, it consists mainly of small bodies, or remnants from the Solar System’s formation.
  • The Cabinet on Tuesday approved a change in the names of the Madras, Bombay and Calcutta High Courts to reflect the changes in the official nomenclature of these cities to Chennai, Mumbai and Kolkata, respectively.
  • FCNR payout: According to RBI data, banks had raised about $34 billion through FCNR (B) deposits in 2013, most of which are due this year. In 2013 the rupee was at an all-time low of 68.85 against the dollar and the central bank had asked commercial banks to raise the foreign currency deposits to shore up reserves. The RBI estimates that the immediate effect of the maturity of these deposits would be an outflow of about $20 billion.
    • FCNR deposits: Foreign Currency Non-Resident (FCNR) deposits.
  • 15th Meeting of FSDC (Financial Stability & Development Council) held:
  • Chairman: Finance Minister & members include:
    • Minister of State for Finance   – Jayant Sinha,
    • RBI Governor  – Raghuram Rajan,
    • Finance Secretary  – Ashok Lavasa,
    • Economic Affairs Secretary  – Shaktikanta Das,
    • Financial Services Secretary    – Anjuly Chib Duggal,
    • Chief Economic Adviser – Arvind Subramanian,
    • SEBI Chairman  – U.K. Sinha,
    • IRDA Chairman – T.S. Vijayan, and
    • PFRDA Chairman –   Hemant Contractor.
  • The Centre gave its ‘in-principle’ approval to set up the country’s 13th major port at Enayam, near Colachel in Tamil Nadu.


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