Current Affairs: 30th July

Current Affairs( 30th July                                                                                                              

  • BRICS: first Employment Working Group meeting held in Hyderabad
    • Consensus between BRICS countries achieved on employment generation, social security agreement and networking of labour institutes.
    • Agenda was set to promote decent work and promote job creation between BRICS countries.
  • After the Parliament passed the Bill banning employment of children below 14 years of age, India will be able to ratify two International Labour Organisation (ILO) Conventions, 138 & 182, on the abolition of all forms of child labour.
    • ILO Convention 138: says that the minimum age for employment should not be less than the age of completion of compulsory schooling (14 years of age in India’s case).
    • ILO Convention 182: calls for the need to formulate legislation for prohibition and elimination of the worst forms of child labour.
  • 29 July: International Tiger DayColachel vs Vizhinjam
  • Noted Tabla maestro Pandit Lachu Maharaj (Lakshmi Narayan Singh) passed away in Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh
  • Colachel no threat to Vizhinjam: Prime Minister
  • Remember:
    • Colachel: New Enayam Port is coming up near Colachel in Tamil Naidu.
    • Vizhinjam: New Vizhinjam International deep sea port is coming up near Thiruvananthapuram in Kerala
  • Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor to be delayed
    • India’s first Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor (PFBR) is coming up at Kalpakkam, Tamil Naidu
    • Capacity: 500 Mw
    • This is 2nd Stage reactor of India’s 3 Stage nuclear programme.
    • What is 1st Stage: The 1st stage reactors are used currently for electricity production in various nuclear plants.
    • Hence, the R & D is going on 2nd
    • FBR: fuel – The Kalpakkam PFBR is using uranium-238 not thorium, to breed new fissile material, in a sodium-cooled fast reactor design.
  • Indian 3 Stage Nuclear Programnuclimap


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