livestock rajasthan

Use of Cow cess for epidemics

Cattle Breeds of Rajasthan | Cow Buffalo Breeds

Use of Cow cess for epidemics | Facing cash issues, the state government through a recent amendment to the Rajasthan Stamp (Amendment) Act 2020 legalised the surcharge imposed on stamp duty for cow protection be used for purposes of mitigating natural or man-made calamities like drought, flood, epidemic and public health exigencies. The state government […]

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Sheep in Rajasthan

Population of Breeds of Sheep in Rajasthan

Sheep husbandry has traditionally been one of, the most viable elements of the agro-economic system of the State of Rajasthan. The state earns annually remarkable revenue from wool, mutton and other products from Sheep in Rajasthan. Cost effective economy and less expensive housing make the sheep economically viable proposition for the poor people. The size

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20th Livestock Census of Rajasthan

20th Livestock Census 2019 Provisional | 20th Livestock Census of Rajasthan

The Department of Animal Husbandry & Dairying under Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry & Dairying attributes critical importance to livestock and to the collection and availability of up-to-date and accurate data related to livestock, as they are the vital component of rural economy. 20th Livestock Census of Rajasthan was conducted as part of 20th Livestock

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Cattle Breeds of Rajasthan

Cattle Breeds of Rajasthan | Cow Buffalo Breeds

Breeds of Cow found in Rajasthan Rajasthan state has three native cattle breeds viz Rathi, Tharparker and Nagori, having great deal of endurance. Nagauri Origin from Suhalak area Nagaur. Hence, mostly found in Nagaur district. Colour : White, light Grey. This species gives less milk. Type : DraughtUsed for ploughing, cultivation, drawing water from wells

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Basics of Livestock

basics of livestock | Mixed Farming | Livestock of Rajasthan

What is Livestock? Livestock are animals that are domesticated and raised in an agricultural setting to produce commodities such as food, fiber, and labor. They include cattle, goats etc The breeding, maintenance, and slaughter of these animals, known as animal husbandry What is Mixed Farming? Mixed farming is a farming system, which involves the growing

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