Rajasthan Cooperative Society Amendment Act 2016

Rajasthan has become the first state in the country to implement provision of educational qualification  in election of Cooperative Committees. For this Rajasthan Cooperative Society (Amendment) Act-2016 has been enforced from Tuesday, October 4.  Now the minimum educational qualification would be compulsory for the members of the Directorate of Board so that cooperative sector would be benefited by education and their management could be assigned in skilled hands.  Approximately, 10 thousand cooperative institutions would be benefited from this act.

Features of Rajasthan Cooperative Amendment Act: 

  • Establishment of Board for Recruitment of Personnelcooperative
    • Rajasthan would be the first state in the country where a Recruitment Board would be established for recruiting personnel for the Cooperative Committees.
  • Autonomy to Societies
    • Cooperative society’s are now allowed to themselves conduct election under the set rules.
  • Auditing is Compulsory
    • Registrar can appoint an auditor for society at his level.
  • Development of new era of leadership under cooperatives
    • Maximum tenure of the member of Board of Directors would be of two years. This would reduce tendency of monopoly and more new people would associate to the society’s management and a new leadership would be developed.
    • After two years of continuous membership a year gap was needed to again become the member of Board of Director.
  • Freedom from political interference
    •  Now a Member of Parliament, MLAs, Head or Sub-head of a District Council, Head or Sub-head of Panchayat Samiti, Sarpanch or Up-sarpanch of panchayat, President or Additional President of Municipality or Local self government body could not become a President or Vice-President of cooperative society.
    • This would enable Cooperative Societies would remain free from political interference and the President of the society be able to concentrate on the activities of society.
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