Climate Change in Rajasthan

Rajasthan Action Plan on Climate Change | Climate Change in Rajasthan

Climate change is the greatest global challenge, which through a multitude of impacts poses a risk to our ecology, economy and society. Studies show that climate change in Rajasthan is over and above the natural climate variability prevailing in the region. Experts say that Rajasthan falls in areas of greatest climate sensitivity, maximum vulnerability and lowest adaptive capacity. According to State Action Plan on Climate Change (SAPCC), it was found that Rajasthan has been identified as one of the four most vulnerable states in India.

What is Climate Change ?

The Earth’s climate is not static. Over the billions of years of earth’s existence, it has changed many times in response to natural causes like sun spot, ice age glaciations, etc.

“Climate change” means a change of climate which is attributed directly or indirectly to human activity that alters the composition of the global atmosphere and which is in addition to natural climate variability observed over comparable time periods (100 years).

Climate Change in Rajasthan

Being the largest state, Rajasthan has unique vulnerabilities in terms of exposure to climatic extremes and varying capabilities for responding to the likely risks. Rajasthan has only about 1% of the country’s water resources, and the average rainfall in the state is 574 mm as compared to the all-india average of 1,100mm.

Impact of Climate Change in Rajasthan

  • Severe and frequent spells of famines & droughts.
  • According to a study recently undertaken by the state pollution control board, the state is likely to suffer from further increased water shortage due to overall reduction in rainfall and increased evapo-transpiration due to global warming.
  • Rise in surface temperature (especially in desert districts), resulting in excessive loss of water and migration of people, livestock and desertification of the cropped land.
  • Increase in unpredictability of weather and rainfall. 

Measures to mitigate Climate Change

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