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Medieval India: Summary Notes

A. is for History. A1: Rajasthan History, A2: India History. Medieval India: AD 750 onwards Eighth to 10th Century (Age of three empires in North India) Pala –East Pratihara – West and Upper Gangetic Valley Rashtrakuta – Deccan-  lasted the longest For a long time, Kanauj was considered the symbol of political unity of India (like Delhi …

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Current Affairs: 6th July

  PM expands Cabinet Rule: 91st Constitution Amendment inserted article 75 (1A) which states that total number of minsters including Prime Minister in Central Council of Ministers cannot be more that 15% of strength of Lok Sabha. Hence, present strength = 545*15%= 82. (Maximum possible size). Similar rule, through article 164(1A) applies to State Ministers, …

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Rajasthan Agriculture: Crops: Snapshot

Different types of crops, their sowing seasons, area under cultivation under different crops, maximum crop production are all important information w.r.t both preliminary and mains of RAS Examination. In this post, I have attached tables with brief & most important details with regard to crop production in Rajasthan. Crops produced in Kharif Season: Crops Produced …

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Current Affairs: 5th July

1. Gurpreet Singh Sandhu became the first Indian football player to play in UEFA Europa League. 2. PM to visit Tanzania, Mozambique, South Africa and Kenya. Agenda of Visit: Cooperation against terrorism Tanzania: Capital Dodoma Mount Kilminjaro : Highest Peak in Africa Lake Tanganyika: Deepest lake in Africa Also has Lake Victoria: Source of River …

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Current Affairs: 4th July

National Solar Mission, now has target installation capacity of 100 gigawatts through Solar by 2022, out of a total of 175 GW from all renewables. Recent agreement between World bank & India-led International Solar Alliance (ISA) (Headquarter: Gurgaon), will provide India with cheap finance, one of the major constraints in growth of solar energy. India’s largest …

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