RAS Interview Basic Information (Content)

Here we will discuss RAS Interview basic information like the number of candidates, marks, Members, Basic Etiquette for the Interview (Dressing sense, Entry and exit, Greeting, Posture and body language, Eye contact, handling nervousness)Communication Skills, Hobby, job profile, Graduation subject etc
Prime batch [Practical RAS Interview Mentorship Experience] features
- One to One Interview guidance [Google Meet]
- One selected mentor for each student
- Content on Hobby, Job, Graduation subject, College, Personal questions etc
- Offline mock interview
- Daily debate and discussions
- Group of similar profile students [Same hobby/district/Job etc]
Previous RAS Exam Interview Transcripts
RAS 2024: Interview Dates
- RAS 2024 Interview dates will be declared by RPSC, after the declaration of RAS Mains 2018 results.
- RAS 2024 Mains Exam result is still awaited.
RAS Exam Interview Preparation: Resources
Official Guideline:
- Candidates who clear mains examination are summoned by RPSC for an interview for a personality test which carries 100 marks.
- In interviewing the candidates besides awarding marks in respect of character, personality, address, physique, marks are also awarded for the candidate’s knowledge of Rajasthani culture.
- The marks so awarded shall be added to the marks obtained in the written test by each such candidate. And final merit list is prepared on total marks obtained in Mains as well as Interview round.