UPSC to share competitive exams scores online to boost private hiring

In a recent initiative, Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has decided to share scores of candidates taking competitive exams like Civil Service examination, and NDA examination online through a portal. The step is part of Government strategy to boost hiring by the private sector.

Each year, more than 10 lac job aspirants, apply for various examinations conducted by UPSC, but through rigorous selection process it selects only 5,000 candidates for jobs in the bureaucracy, police and the armed forces. The remaining 99.5 per cent that lose the chance for a government job, and there chances of securing a private job are also less as these test scores don’t mean anything.

Private colleges already use the results of government entrance examinations for engineering and medical colleges for admissions.

Now, the scores with other relevant details like email id and contact details, of candidates who appear for competitive examinations will be shared with on a dedicated website – Integrated Information System for Public Recruitment Agencies – being developed by the National Informatics Centre (NIC). The publicly available scores will act as a useful database to other employers to enable them to identify good, employable candidates.

UPSC will be making a provision in the application form so candidates can either opt in or out of the disclosure scheme. Candidates taking tests for recruitment to the armed forces and those applying for limited departmental competitive examinations and the Central Industrial Security Force will not be covered under the disclosure scheme.

The central government had last year approved a Niti Ayog proposal to make scores and ranking of candidates in recruitment examinations available through a portal for increasing access of the unemployed to job opportunities.

Read UPSC notification regarding this: READ

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