Twenty Point Programme

Twenty Point Programme - Rajasthan

The Twenty Point Programme (TPP) was launched by the Government of India in 1975 by Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. The programme was first revised in 1982 and then in 1986. Over the years, the need for restructuring the Programme was felt and TPP was again restructured in 2006.The restructured programme, known as Twenty Point Programme (TPP) – 2006, became operational with effect from 1st April 2007.

Objectives of TPP-2006:

The Programme aims to provide momentum to schemes relating to poverty alleviation, employment generation in rural areas, housing, education, health and family welfare, protection of environment and many other schemes having a bearing on the quality of life, especially in the rural areas.

20 Points:

The restructured TPP – 2006 had following Points:

  1. Poverty eradication
  2. power to people
  3. Support to farmers
  4. Labour welfare
  5. Food security
  6. Clean drinking water
  7. Housing for all
  8. Health for all
  9. Education for all
  10. Welfare of SC/ ST/ OBC and minorities
  11. Women welfare
  12. Child welfare
  13. Youth Development
  14. Improvement of slums
  15. Environment protection and afforestation
  16. Social security
  17. Rural Roads
  18. Energising of rural areas
  19. Development of Backward areas
  20. IT enabled and e-governance

Twenty Point Programme Monitoring

  • Twenty Point Programme – 2006 consists of 65 monitorable items out of which 13 rankable items are being monitored at the state level.
  • The monitoring of the programme at the centre has been assigned to the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, Government of India.

The main points which are being monitored at the State level is as follows:

  • Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA): Point No. 1A01
  • National Rural Livelihood Mission (NRLM): Point No. 1B0 I, II, III
  • Rural Houses: – Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojna (PMAY): Point No. 6A01
  • EWS/ LIG Houses in Urban Areas: Point No. 6B01
  • National Rural Drinking Water Programme
    • Habitations covered (Partially covered and slipped back): Point No. 07A03:
    • Coverage of water quality affected Habitations: Point No. 07A04
  • Institutional Delivery: Point No. 08E01
  • SC families assisted under Special Central Assistance (SCA) to Scheduled Castes Sub Plan (SCSP) component and concessional loan of NSFDC: Point No 10A01 (I)
  • No. of SC students benefitted under Post Matric Scholarship: Point No. 10A02 (II)
  • Universalization of Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS): Point No. 12A01
  • Anganwari Centers Functional: Point No. 12B01
  • Assistance to Urban Poor Families: Point No. 14A01
  • Area Covered under Plantation (Public & Forest Land): Points No. 15A01
  • Seedling Planted (Public & Forest Land): Point No. 15A02
  • Rural Roads-PMGSY: Point No. 17A01
  • Energizing Pump Sets: Point No. 18D01
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