Syllabus RAS Prelims

RAS prelims is expected on 28/08/2016, which means less than 60 days remaining. In such condition, it becomes essential that each and every aspect of Syllabus is complete and thoroughly revised. We are sharing below the detailed syllabus of RAS prelims as indicated by RPSC.  We are dividing it into 3 stages:
A. History
B. Geography
C. Polity
D. Economy
E. Science & Technology
F. Reasoning & Mental Ability
G. Current Affairs
A. RAS Preliminary Exam syllabus from History:

A.1. History, Art, Culture, Literature, Tradition & Heritage of RajasthanRaj 1

A.2 History of IndiaIndia History

B. RAS Preliminary Exam syllabus from Geography:
B.1. Geography of RajasthanGeo raj
B.2 Geography of India:
GEo India
B3. World Geography:
World geo

C. RAS Preliminary Exam syllabus from Polity:
C.1. Polity topics from Rajasthan
Raj Political
C.2. Polity topics from India:India Political
D.RAS Preliminary Exam syllabus from Economy:
D.1 Economy topics from Rajasthan:raj Eco
D.2. Economic topics from India:
India Eco
India Eco 2
E. Science & TechnologyScience & Tech

F. Reasoning & Mental Ability
G. Current Affairs

Current Affairs
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Prelims (A to F) & Current Affairs.

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