Rural Non-Farm Development Agency (RUDA)

Rural Non-Farm Development Agency - RUDA

Rural Non-Farm Development Agency (RUDA) was established in November 1995 by the Government of Rajasthan as an exclusive agency to promote the Rural Non-Farm Sector (RNFS) in the state. It follows a sub-sectoral, integrated and cluster based approach for promoting self-employment for artisan families as viable avenues of sustainable livelihoods.

Objectives of RUDA:

RUDA has been established as an exclusive agency to promote the rural micro-enterprises in the State. Its primary mandate is to:

  • Create alternative avenues of employment.
  • Generate incremental incomes.

RUDA strives to implement various interventions that include skill augmentation, technological development & dissemination, design and product development, credit and market facilitation/support through organizing fairs and training camps, for the development of artisans of the State.


RUDA is registered under the Societies Registration Act 1958 giving it a certain autonomy and flexibility in its functioning. The management of the organisation is vested in its Governing Board appointed by the State Government. Official members from the State Government include heads of various State corporations, financial institutions etc.

Activities of RUDA

Exhibitions and Fairs are one of the important platforms for artisans to promote their products. The artisans from Rajasthan participated in SARAS Mela, Hemtextile Fair New Delhi, Gandhi Shilp Bazars, National Handicraft Expos, IITF New Delhi, Leather fair Chennai, CII Chandigarh, Shilpangan Agha Khan hall New Delhi, Vastra Jaipur, Stone Mart Jaipur, Stona Bangaluru etc. for marketing of their products. By these activities, sustainable employment is being provided to large number of artisans, weavers, potters, stone sculptors.

RUDA carries out its activities in following major sub sectors, which are as follows:

  • Leather
  • Wool & Textile
  • Minor Mineral
  • Handicrafts & Misc. Sub-Sector

Geographical Indication (GI) Registration

  • RUDA has obtained GI Registration for crafts like, Pokran Pottery, Blue Pottery, Kota Doria and Sanganer & Bagru handblock print under its Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) initiatives.


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