Frequently Asked Questions on RAS Exams

This page lists all the frequently asked questions (FAQ’s) with respect to RAS Pre & Mains examination, that we receive in email & on Portals. Users are requested to post their query, doubt, questions in comment section, if its not addressed on the page.

What is the Minimum age, when one can appear in RAS Examination ?

Minimum age is 21 Years as on 1st of January of that/next year of release of notification.

What is the Maximum age, till when one can appear in RAS Examination ?

Maximum age for general category aspirants is 40 years (based on RAS 2018 Notification). However there is certain age relaxation as:
Based on RAS 2018 Notification
—-SC / ST / BC / OBC of Rajasthan Male – 5 years
—-SC / ST / BC / OBC of Rajasthan Female – 10 years
—-Females – General Category  – 5 years
—-Widow Women  – No Age limit
—-Persons with Benchmark Disabilities: General – 10 years
—-BC / OBC – 13 years
—-SC / ST – 15 years
—-State Govt. serving employees – 45 Years (max. age)
—-Serving in state public sector Undertakings/Corporations – 40 years
Note: Age criteria in RAS Exam tends to change in each notification (+-5 years), hence, one needs to refer to see latest notification.

What is the Maximum number of attempts to appear in RAS Examination ?

There is no criteria on number of attempts in RAS Examination (As of RAS 2018 Notification)

When will the next RAS Notification come ?

Please Read: When will NEXT RAS EXAM happen (take place) and What we should do now.

Where can I get Rajasthan Adhyayan class 9, 10, 11 and 12 books in English?

They are available in English. If you are based out of Rajasthan search in any popular book store. For outside Rajasthan & others who want to purchase online – please check out – Rajasthan Adhyayan Books in English.

Which is the best Degree to take, if one wants to appear for RAS Exam ?

Check out answer – Best degree for RAS Exam

Can I crack RAS Exam through Self-Study?

Check out answer – How to crack RAS Exam without Coaching

What is the Level of Competition ? or How many people appear for RAS Exam ?

In RAS 2018, around 4,97,045 candidates had registered for the examination, out of which, 3,76,762 candidates (75.8%) appeared for the preliminary examination that was held on August 5 at 1,454 centres for recruitment to 980 vacancies in various government offices in the state.

How do I start to prepare for RAS Exam ? I am a beginner / I have just decided to appear for RAS Exam / Where do I start ?

Check out – How to start preparing for RAS Exam

Which medium is best for writing RAS Examination ?

Answered at – Best language to write RAS Exam/ How to choose language for writing RAS Exam

Im from English Medium background, but I read somewhere that it is better to write exam in Hindi. What should I do? 

RAS/UPSC mains papers are lengthy papers and so with content (quality) of answer, the writing speed also matters significantly. Now, writing speed has two aspects one is physical i.e. how fast you can actually write from your hand and other is speed at which your mind can process the content of answer. Now, when you are from English medium background, the natural flow of thoughts (sentence formation) in english language is naturally better and faster. If you choose hindi, there is chance that you will be converting an answer that is coming to your naturally in english to hindi and writing that. Hence, whatever the case may be, writing answers in your natural, fluent & practised language may help you reap better rewards.

In RAS Mains, can I write few questions in English, some of them in Hindi ?

Except Paper 4, where language of answer is usually specified in questions/sections.  As per RAS 2018 notification, All papers shall be answered either in Hindi or in English, but no candidate shall be permitted to answer any one paper partly in Hindi and partly in English unless specifically allowed to do so.

In RAS Mains, Can I write Paper 1 in English & Paper 2 in Hindi ?

To be Updated

In Case you have an unanswered question on RAS Exams, feel free to comment below.

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