When will NEXT RAS EXAM happen & What should you do now

When will RAS 2020 happen and What you should do now

Since, last few days we have been getting multiple queries, on any information related to RAS 2020 – primarily, When will RAS 2020 happen (take place) and What we should do now. We hope this post, answers these basic queries and brings somewhat clarification. Anyways, instead of individual mails, we suggest to post queries on appropriate post as Comments so our replies are also visible to public and there is also an opportunity for discussion.

Q1. When will RAS 2020 happen

Considering the RAS exam history, it will be a gross-mistake to comment on date, schedule of RAS 2020. In experience, even NEWS articles published in renowned Newspapers have failed test of time. So, as you must have heard often, as hard it is to follow practically, consider all such information as rumours until there is an notification on RPSC website.

Practically, you can keep track of following events, to generalise the notion that things are moving forward:

  • RAS Mains 2018 results are declared & interview schedule listed.
  • Other exams conducted by RPSC that suffer from same issues like reservation case, etc are taking place.
  • There is specific communication by CM, CMO on the matter.
  • The number of seats have been mentioned in Newspapers along with usual information.

Q2. So, What should you do now ?

While its a fact that RAS notifications are irregular & come after long time, it is also important to note the time between notification & tentative exam date. For, RAS 2018,

  • Notification came on 2nd April 2018
  • RAS Pre exam date – 5th August 2018
  • RAS Mains exam date – 23/24 December 2018 (Initially declared dates)

So, as you can see, once the notification comes, it does not even give you even 6 months to prepare for each exam. This is where, what you do now matters & becomes relevant.

A. Basic Tenets to follow:

  • Make your own custom strategy.
    • Your successful strategy, might not work for your real brother or sister, so don’t expect someone’s else strategy to work for you.
  • Make your own notes.
    • Don’t prepare for exam, prepare such that you can cover syllabus in time that RPSC provides once it gets serious.
    • Merit is neither on knowledge or effort, it is on what you can recollect & reproduce in 3 hours.
    • Make your system efficient, don’t just focus on study.
  • Keep Upgrading information
    • You cannot remember and reproduce all the information (knowledge) on a single topic, so there is no point in doing the same for whole syllabus.
    • Hence, filter out information as Compulsory & Voluntary ( or Must have and good to know),
    • UPGRADE the Compulsory (Must have ) information constantly.
    • Example: any answer to state of economic development in Rajasthan, will look better if you can quote SDP, but it changes every year (atleast), so your notes on eco. development will be same but upgraded every now and then with this new data.
    • Read Newspapers daily/ whenever you get time.
  • Keep tab on time spent on Social Media
    • 1 hour per day in 6 months becomes 7.5 days.
    • If you are watching a Ytube video or reading a post on FB but not upgrading your notes, on any must have information that you came across, then it was a waste, you should have watched something entertaining instead.
  • Socialise, have time for your friends & family.
    • RAS, UPSC exams are not limited to checking the information content of aspirant but they also judge the personality.
    • Your knowledge can help you crack written examinations, your interpersonal skills can take you places.
    • In your tough times, your friends and family are the first one’s to stand by your side, support. Always be there for them, when they need you.
  • Have plan B
    • If you are just out of college and thinking of preparing for RAS, just enrol yourself to some higher study course like M.Tech / M.Sc etc.
    • If you are already working on Job, do not resign, from job. Cracking RAS/ UPSC is very much possible while working in a job.
    • If you are a house wife and considering RAS. It is possible but you need to plan accordingly balancing family commitments & time.

B. Balancing Personal Commitments & time for RAS ?

C. Enough Gyaan, So actually, what you should now ?

Simply put,

  • First Priority: Start preparing your notes for mains, remember, your preparation should be such that during the time between PRE & MAINS, you have only three activities remaining:
    • Reading Current Affairs & Updating Notes with current data
    • Revising & re-revising
    • Practising Answer writing & Mock tests
  • Priority Second: Start making additional notes for PRE, such that once notification comes, you are only revising & giving mock-tests, along with updating yourself on current affairs.

D. A decent notes-making strategy ?

Certain basic features of good notes:

  • Scope for updation ( has space for writing additional information)
  • Are Structured: Subject >>> Chapters >>> Topics >>>Sub-topics
  • Are not just copy of source, but information is restructured (picturised, flow-diagram, mindmapped) so that information becomes easy to remember.
  • You feel confident, like both making & reading from notes.

Strategy for making Notes

  • Get hold of the syllabus
  • Select sources, Rajasthan Adhyan, NCERT’s , Our PDFs, Internet
  • Now select any subject that seems exciting for you to learn & understand
  • Now select topic
  • Do one fast reading from all sources & check which source is most relevant
  • Considering the relevant source as base make notes on the topic, if possible compartmentalise as pre & mains.
  • Move to next topic of the same subject.
  • Once you are done with the subject notes, check last 2-3 years, PRE & Mains question paper on the subject & gauge the quality of your notes.
  • Fine-tune your notes strategy, sources and move to next subject.
  • Make notes not to study, but to answer (pre & mains)


In course of time:

  • Hardwork beats Talent.
  • Perseverance beats Hard Luck.

You cannot improve future in future, you can today.

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