Day 5 | RAS Mains 2025 Answer Writing | 90 Days

We will cover the RAS Mains 2025 Answer Writing syllabus in 90 days.

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GS Answer Writing – Administrative setup, administrative culture in Rajasthan:  Governor, Chief Minister, Council of Ministers, State Secretariat, Directorates and Chief Secretary, District Administration:  Organization, role of District Collector and District Magistrate, Superintendent of Police, Sub-divisional and Tehsil administration, संक्षिप्तीकरण

  1. To control and supervise the subordinate magistracy.
  2. To issue orders when there is threat to public peace and order under section 144 of the Criminal Procedure Code.
  3. To release prisoners on parole.
  4.  To inspect the jails.
  5. To submit an annual criminal report to the government.
  6.  To control and direct the action of district police.          
  7.  To prosecute offenders under the Factories Act and Trademark Act.
  8. To recommend schemes for the development of forests.

  • 164(1) provides that the other Ministers shall be appointed by the Governor on the advice of the Chief Minister.
  • He allocates and reshuffles the portfolio among ministers. 
  • He can ask a minister to resign or advise the governor to dismiss him in case of difference of opinion
  • He presides over the meetings of the council of ministers and influence its decisions
  • He guides, directs, controls and coordinates the activities of all the ministers
  • The Chief Minister represents the state government and Council of Ministers at the national level and coordinates Centre-state relations.
  • In case of differences among ministers, the decision of the Chief Minister is normally treated as final.
  • He can bring about the collapse of ministers by resigning from office. SInce the CM is the head of the council of ministers, his resignation or death automatically dissolves the council of ministers .

The Tehsildar represents the state in the tehsil and maintains communication between the state, district administration, and citizens.  As the head of tehsil administration, he performs following roles:

  1. Land Revenue Officer : The Tehsildar is ultimately responsible for revenue collection. Patwaris assess and collect agricultural land revenue. If other departments fail to recover taxes or loans, the Tehsildar devises recovery programs, provides guidance in special meetings of Patwaris, and also conducts field visits.
  2. Land Records Officer : The preparation and maintenance of land records is an essential task of tehsil administration. Tehsildars are responsible for updating and securing these records, including classification and mapping based on land types.
  3. As a Sub-Treasury Officer: The Tehsildar manages the sub-treasury, where all tehsil income is deposited and expenses are made. It’s the Tehsildar’s duty to oversee this financial arrangement.
  4. As a Sub-Registrar : In the tehsil, property transactions like buying land or buildings incur stamp duty. The Tehsildar, acting as the sub-registrar officer, oversees these registrations.
  5. Revenue Disputes : Under the Rajasthan Revenue Act, 1955, and the Rajasthan Land Revenue Act, 1956, they have the authority to hear various types of property disputes. Some are initially handled by the Tehsildar, while in others, they assist the SDM. For example, Section 128 of the LRA, 1956, deals with handling boundary disputes
  6. Rationing: Tehsildars are responsible for the distribution of PDS items like sugar, and kerosene in the tehsil.
  7. Relief Work: Tehsildars provide aid during natural disasters such as floods and droughts, and manage emergencies like fires in the tehsil area.
  8. Other functions : 
    1. The Tehsildar is also the custodian of all temple and common lands. 
    2. Tehsildar has been vested with considerable powers as an Executive Magistrate under the Code of Criminal Procedure.  
    3. He has supervisory powers over a large cadre of Patwaris, Kanungo etc 
    4. Election Duties: Assisting in electoral processes, including MP and MLA elections, and serving as an Assistant Returning Officer in Panchayati Raj/Urban Body elections.
    5. Public Welfare Schemes: Overseeing government schemes like employment programs, food distribution, and family planning initiatives.
    6. Data Collection: Serving as an authoritative figure for collecting various types of data crucial for national planning, including census data, agricultural surveys, and land use information.

Thus, the Tehsildar has maximum contact with the public. However, his image is often perceived as that of a status quoist, stubborn, and corrupt officer due to:

  1. Politics affects where he works – honest officers might get moved around a lot.
  2. On top of his regular duties, he has to handle tasks usually done by the District Collector, making his workload heavier and leaving less time for his official work.
  3. Low salary compared to the workload further compounds the issue.

Paper 4 (Comprehension part) – संक्षिप्तीकरण

     शीर्षक- बेरोजगारी और कुकृत्य

बेरोजगारी की गम्भीर समस्या से व्यथित शिक्षित बेरोजगार युवक हड़ताल, तोड़-फोड़ आदि कर रहे हैं, कई बार आत्महत्या तक कर बैठते हैं। वस्तुतः आवश्यकता सब पापों की जड़ है, इसी से वे असामाजिक गतिविधियों में सक्रिय हो रहे हैं।

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