RPSC – RAS 2016 Answer Key

Rajasthan RPSC has released the official answer key for Rajasthan Administrative Exam (Preliminary) held on August 28, 2016.images Now, this time there were no usual set-codes(A/B/C/D), and question papers and options of many papers were different. Now, RPSC has released a single key and simultaneously uploaded a question paper.
Aspirants need to download both question paper as well answer key and check answer option for the question paper.
How to check Answers from RPSC answer key:

  1. Download question paper (Direct Link:RAS 2016 Question Paper)
  2. Download answer key (Direct link:RAS 2016 Answer KEY RPSC)
  3. Check question 1 from downloaded question paper
  4. See answer from answer key.
  5. Now go to your question paper.
  6. Search and find the question.
  7. Don’t see option but see the correct answer and match your answer.

Note again: RPSC has changed options also, that is, option A of the answer key shall not be necessarily option A of your paper. Hence, Please see question and answer and check against your answer.

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