One Stop Shop Scheme (OSS) to Fast-track Investments

One Stop Shop Scheme to fast track investments in Rajasthan

In July 2020, the state cabinet has approved One Stop Shop scheme for fast-tracking investment and capacity expansion proposals by facilitating time-bound approvals and clearances in Rajasthan. A similar scheme earlier is known as single window clearance system.

Salient Features of One Stop Shop Scheme

  • Entrepreneurs investing above Rs 10 crore will be able to get 98 types of clearances under one roof at the ‘One Stop Shop’ (OSS) Scheme.
  • One Stop Shop Scheme will function under the Bureau of Investment Promotion (BIP) of the industries department.
  • Officers from 14 departments like industries, RIICO, energy, labour, urban development, local self-governance, pollution control board, consumer affairs, tourism, revenue, factories and boilers, public works and PHED will be deputed to the One Stop Shop cell and will ensure that investment-related issues concerning multiple departments are received and addressed at one location to avoid unnecessary delay in clearances.

Other Measures to Promote Industrial Investment in Rajasthan

Establishment of the OSS is in sequence with the various good governance measures taken by the state government to promote industry  such as:

Additionally, the state cabinet has recently approved amendments in the ‘The Rajasthan Enterprises Single Window Enabling and Clearance Act, 2011’ and provided for the constitution of a Board of Investment under the chairmanship of the Chief Minister for the purpose.

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