Importance of Preparation for Board Examinations

Importance of Preparation for Board Examinations

It’s that season again for students. The Board Examinations are near and Students take them with too much stress. This stress can be lowered down successfully with better preparation. Few Students duplicate another topper student in preparation which is incorrect. One must know their potential and not waste their valuable time to realize the other’s system of preparation. UP Board 12th Admit Card is currently available and all the students of class 12th need to reach out to their respective school heads and collect their hall ticket. 12th board exams are the determining steps of one’s future profession. People must be ready with any topic such as Aptitude, Current Affairs, General Knowledge etc. to crack exams.

The Maharashtra State Board has released the Maharashtra HSC Hall ticket recently. HSC stands for Higher Secondary Education. This is equivalent to the 10+2 medium of education. The final examinations for the annual school year for these boards are starting soon. Students in preparation for these exams are also thinking about their summer vacations that will start on the last day of examinations.

For a long time, India has been using only the traditional ways of education. The biggest drawback of this is that the teachers at most of the educational institutions do not seem to realize that every student has an individual learning speed and capacity. When this is not seen and understood by the teachers, the slow learning student gets left behind. But quite recently, there have been technological advancements with the introduction of Online Learning Centers and Smart Classes.

Online Learning Centers have been a blessing for students who are slow learners as they get to rewind and listen to the videos again in case they did not catch something. Smart classes are a really great introduction to schools as they have audio and video learning sessions about a few topics in the school syllabus, this helps students to learn and develop imaginative skills. It also keeps the students engaged with the class as opposed to the traditional method of teaching where only a few students are engaged and the rest seem uninterested.

Prepare your mind to focus and don’t lose hope. Students taking these examinations can benefit from these tips:

1.   Method of Studying

Set your place of study and hours of study for board examinations. More time should be given to the topics that you find difficult than those on which you are already familiar with. This method helps in making such topics more easy during the exam times. Understand your portions and the weightage attached to different sections from your syllabus.

2.   Revision

Completion of the syllabus in time is essential, but revision is also essential in preparation for exams. Revision is like a finishing touch to preparation and it shouldn’t always be kept in the end. A particular day like weekend can be selected for performing regular revision for what has been covered with the syllabus in that week. All the subjects should be completed a month or two prior to the final board examination so that revision can be done again.

3.   Effective Planning

Managing time is another vital aspect of exam preparation. Don’t devote your entire day to one subject. A Time Table is to be maintained for your study and all the subjects need to be taken into consideration. Fear and stress appearing in the students while studying for exams can be avoided with this. A deadline should be established for each topic/subject, after which only one will be able to finish their syllabus in time.

4.   Writing Notes

One can learn more effectively by writing. Notes should always be written subject wise with formulae and definitions over the topics you are preparing. These notes that you have prepared will surely help during exam times.

5.   Confidence

Few students have better concentration, interest in their study and a good sense of learning but require more confidence. They are pessimistic about their result. Studies are only taken seriously when it’s high time. Studies are to be taken seriously but seriousness not at the cost of losing confidence. Always be Optimistic and try to learn with fun. Take mock trials, they might help you in boosting your confidence.

These tips not only hold good for Board exams but also for other exams. Don’t forget to take your necessary documents along with you during the examination. UP Board 12th Admit Card and Maharashtra HSC hall ticket are required for UP and Maharashtra Board exams respectively. Good luck with your exams.

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