IAS preparation tips for Beginners

IAS preparation tips for Beginners

IAS Preparation tips for beginners

Candidates preparing for IAS will be searching for ideal guidance and success mantra to crack this prestigious exam. During their initial stage of preparation, candidates will be struggling to channelize their exam preparation process.

To overcome this beginner’s problem in IAS preparation, we have listed some of the important tips IAS exam preparation.

Smart work is more important than hard work

To crack UPSC Civil services exam, candidates have to put their complete effort and hard work to become IAS. But at the same time, they should also be smart enough, like they should be aware of the changing trend of UPSC exam pattern, syllabus and kind of questions asked in Prelims and Mains exam.

Once they understand the exam trend, they will know what to read, where to read and how to read. Further, the ideal time to start IAS preparation is one year prior to the IAS preliminary exams. In the initial stage of preparation, aspirants should give more stress to the General Studies subjects.

Give equal importance to all subjects

Candidates preparing for IAS exam should give equal importance to all subjects listed in the syllabus. As UPSC doesn’t follow any template in asking questions, candidates need to get equip themselves like at any given point of time they should be aware of all topics provided by UPSC. You should also be aware of the current affairs and the major news across the country.

Read from authentic sources

In UPSC exams, candidates are asked to follow standard textbooks and NCERT books. Avoid reading the same topic from the different material. Students are advised to follow one newspaper, either The Hindu or Indian express.

Self-evaluation is needed in UPSC Preparation

Regular self-evaluation should be a part of IAS exam preparation process. Candidates should not read continuously without evaluating their exam preparation.

Students can evaluate their preparation by solving UPSC previous question papers and some mock question papers which are readily available in the market. The more you practice, the better you are equipped.

Develop note making habit

Aspirants preparing for IAS should develop a habit of note making for both current issues and subjects. These handwritten notes will be helpful for last minute revision before the UPSC exams.

Reading NCERT books

For basic understanding of UPSC subjects’ aspirants are advised to read all necessary NCERT books. Because UPSC gives more importance to NCERT and still many questions in UPSC Civil Services Prelims and mains exam are raised from NCERT textbooks.

Comprehensive preparation strategy

In IAS preparation, aspirants should prepare comprehensively for preliminary, Mains and interview than isolated preparation. Candidates should treat this as one single exam with three segments than treating it as three different exams.

Choose your optional subject wisely

In IAS Exam, Optional subject plays an important role. Candidates should choose the right optional subject based on their individual interest. Before choosing an optional subject candidate should don some analysis on the subject syllabus and previous year question papers.

Maintain good health

IAS exam preparation is a yearlong process; aspirants should maintain proper health with good diet. Many students focus only on exam preparation process and forget about their health. Many a time students fall sick before the examination, a situation that can easily be avoided.

Stay focused and committed towards exam preparation, success will definitely follow.

All the Best.


Anish Passi
Director at Neo-Stencil

Neostencil is a unique platform for Test Preparation where you can access live classrooms of the best teachers in India, from the comfort of your home. It offers you expert guidance for Civil Services exams, from doyens in this field, top teachers from popular IAS coaching institutes in Delhi, who have had years of experience in successfully mentoring the candidates to develop a holistic approach to their preparation for the exams.

Disclaimer: This is a guest post written by above author, RajRAS is no way responsible for the content or the views.

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