Draft Rajasthan IPR Policy 2019 Released

The department of Science & Technology (DST) of State Government of Rajasthan has released draft University IPR Policy – 2019 & draft Rajasthan IPR Policy 2019 -24 to transform the State into a globally recognized IP hub. This policy not only harness creation and protection of Intellectual Property, but also attract foreign investors and entrepreneurs in the State of Rajasthan.

Framing laws regarding protection and laying down the enforcement mechanisms of IPR, falls in the domain of the Central Government. However, the enforcement is through the agencies of the State. Government of India has declared 2010-2020 as the ‘Decade of Innovation’. Similarly, the National Intellectual Property Rights Policy 2016, has laid down a vision for a “Creative India, Innovative India”. The State Government of Rajasthan intends to consolidate the strategies and achievements made so far, by providing adequate infrastructural support coupled with improved facilitation mechanism.


What Is Intellectual Property?

Intellectual Property (“IP”) refers to any tangible or intangible property or asset, which is a product of the human intellect that has commercial value and includes any; literary and artistic works; and symbols, names and images used in commerce. Like any other property right, Intellectual Property Rights (“IPR”) allow creators, or owners of such IP to benefit from their own work or investment in a creation.

Read About: Intellectual Property Rights in India in Detail


Salient Features of Rajasthan IPR Policy 2019


  • To make Rajasthan a hub of Innovation and Creativity, which will facilitate, both Economic and Social Growth, nurture Entrepreneurship and Start-up Ecosystem, promote Science and Technology and further boost both Manufacturing and Service Sectors.


  • To foster Creativity and Innovation, promote Entrepreneurship and enhance Socio-economic Growth coupled with cultural development.
  • To create a strong IP Ecosystem by creating awareness among existing and prosperous entrepreneurs, Startups.
  • Nurture IP System by facilitating more IP Awareness and Creation, IP Commercialization, IP Enforcement in the State of Rajasthan.


  • To create public awareness regarding IPRs.
  • Generation of IPRs by formulating targeted programs.
  • Protection of IPRS by meeting the standards set by international treaties and conventions and is aligned with National IPR Policy.
  • Provide incentive for innovation (IPR).
  • To encourage partnership between industry and academia/other research institutes.
  • Commercialization of IPRs.
  • Encourage Foreign Investment.
  • Legal Protection & Legal Framework of IPR Laws among different sections of the society, entrepreneurs, investors, star-ups to create a balance between interests of Rights of the owners and the Public Interest at large.
  • Development of Human Resources.
  • To utilize available IP instruments for sustainable use of Rajasthan’s Biological / Genetic Resources and Traditional Knowledge (TK).


  • Constitution of State Level Monitoring Committee under the Chairmanship of Chief Secretary & Principal Secretary S&T as Co-Chairman.
  • Establishment of Rajasthan State Intellectual Property Council (RSIPC) in Jaipur, constituted under the Chairmanship of Principal Secretary S&T, GoR. RSIPC shall consist of 15 members selected from different sections of Society like Government, Industry, Academia, Research Institutions, Technical, Agriculture and Management Institutions etc.
  • Development of an online IP Portal & Helpline to assist and facilitate IP Awareness, IP registration, IP protection and IP commercialization of intellectual assets generated in the State.
  • Establishing IP Cells and Technology Transfer Offices (TTO) at Educational Institutions and Universities.
  • Setting up of regional IP Promotion and facilitation hubs for SMEs, MSMEs and Start-up companies.
  • Rajasthan Council of S&T (RAJCOST) shall be the Nodal Agency for conducting Capacity Building Programs and implementing all schemes under this policy.
  • Introducing IP schemes and provide infrastructural assistance. Proposed schemes include:
  • Patent/Invention Protection Scheme
  • Patent Commercialization Scheme
  • GI Protection Scheme
  • Efforts will also be made for providing benefits under the existing schemes of GoI such as “Scheme for facilitating Start-ups Intellectual Property Protection (SIPP Scheme) ” and others as applicable from time to time.
  • Organising Annual IP Commercializtion and Showcase Event.
  • Taking effective measures to ensure strengthening of the enforcement of IPRs.
  • Facilitation of Registration of IP.



  • Draft Rajasthan IPR Policy 2019 – 24: Download PDF
  • Draft University IPR Policy 2019: Download PDF
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