Covid-19 Guidelines in Rajasthan for April 2021

Covid-19 Guidelines April 2021 in Rajasthan

Covid-19 Guidelines in Rajasthan for April 2021 | On 23rd March 2021, MHA, Government of India, has issued guidelines for effective enforcement of Test-Track-Treat Protocol for containment of COVID-19 up to 30th April 2021.

Consequently, on 31st March 2021, Rajasthan Government has issued the following Guidelines for maintaining caution and strict surveillance in the State of Rajasthan upto 30th April 2021.

Also Read: Covid-19 Guidelines for May 2021:

Covid-19 Guidelines in Rajasthan for April 2021


With sustained efforts, the capacity of total daily tests that can be conducted
has gone up substantially. There is need to ensure that RT-PCR test protocol is followed and that these tests are conducted uniformly across all districts,
with adequate testing to be done in districts reporting higher number of cases.


The new positive cases detected as a result of intensive testing need to be
isolated/ quarantined at the earliest; and their contacts have to be traced at the earliest, and similarly isolated/ quarantined. Containment zones have to be demarcated, and prescribed containment measures implemented within such zones


  • Effective demarcation of containment zones, in vulnerable and high incidence areas is the key to break the chain of transmission and controlling the spread of the virus. Wherever required, Containment Zones shall be carefully demarcated and notified by the District Collector & District Magistrate concerned at the micro level, after taking into consideration the guidelines prescribed by MOHFW in this regard.
  • Any area/apartment, if identified with a cluster of 5 or more persons infected with COVID-19, the concerned District Collector & District Magistrate would declare such area as Micro Containment Zone. The list of such containment zones will be notified on the websites by the respective District Collectors. This list will also be shared with MoHFW on a regular basis.
  • Within the demarcated Containment Zones, strict containment measures, as prescribed by MOHFW, shall be scrupulously followed.
    • Only essential activities shall be allowed in the Containment Zones.
    • There shall be strict perimeter control to ensure that there is no movement of people in or out of these zones, except for medical emergencies and for maintaining supply of essential goods and services.
    • There shall be intensive house-to-house surveillance by surveillance teams formed for the purpose.
    • Testing shall be carried out as per prescribed protocol.
    • Listing of contacts shall be carried out in respect of all persons found positive, along with their tracking, identification, quarantine and follow up of contacts for 14 days (80% of contacts to be traced in 72 hours).
    • Surveillance for ILI/SARI cases shall be carried out in health facilities or outreach mobile units.
    • Focus on Universalization of Vaccination in specified priority population age groups as an aid to Containment Strategy in districts where maximum CO+VE cases are being reported.
    • It shall be the responsibility of local district administration, police and municipal authorities to ensure that the prescribed Containment measures are strictly followed.
    • Prohibitory orders u/s 144 CrPC will be issued by concerned District Authority.


  • Quick isolation of COVID-19 patient shall be ensured in treatment facilities/home (subject to fulfilling the home isolation guidelines).
  • Medical department will share the list of all CO+VE cases (with address and mobile details) with concerned SHO every day for monitoring purposes by Beat Constables. Beat Constables will download RajCovidinfo app to monitor the CO+VE cases. He/She will visit at least once in three days to ensure that the patient remains home quarantined and also get RajCovidInfo app downloaded on the mobile phone of the CO+VE patients.
  • Clinical interventions, as prescribed, shall be administered. Capacity building of health workers and professionals shall be an ongoing exercise, to be conducted at all levels, with a view to ensure that the prescribed clinical management protocol is understood clearly and administered accordingly.
  • The concerned agencies shall ensure adequate availability of COVID dedicated health and logistics (including ambulatory) infrastructure, based on their assessment of the case trajectory.
  • Effective infection prevention and control practices shall be followed in treatment facilities and by healthcare workers and professionals.


  • District Collectors & District Magistrates based on their assessment of situation may impose local restrictions, with a view to contain the spread of COVID-19, after prior permission of the State Government.
  • District Collectors & District Magistrates also need to enforce social distancing in offices.
  • The District Collector & District Magistrate shall not impose any local lockdown (District/ sub-division/ City/ village level), outside the containment zones, without prior permission of the State Government.
  • Organization of religious fairs and festivals across the state would be as per the SOP issued vide order dated 03-02-2021. The committee constituted by order dated 8th June 2020 may take suitable steps to organize various Melas and Fairs as per the SOP, in consultation with the State Government.
  • All the markets in the municipal towns would close at 9 PM.
  • Night Curfew from 10 PM to 5 AM will be in force within the urban limits of Ajmer, Bhilwara, Jaipur, Jodhpur, Udaipur, Kota, Sagwara, Kushalgarh, Chittorgarh and Abu Road. All markets, work places and commercial complexes etc. shall remain closed during night curfew. These shall be closed by 9 PM so that the staff and others reach home by 10 PM.
  • However, it will not be applicable on the following: –
    • Factory with production of continuous nature.
    • Factories having night shift.
    • IT companies.
    • Chemist shops.
    • Offices related to essential emergency services,
    • Marriage related gathering
    • Any workplace related to Medical services.
    • Passengers coming / going to bus stand, railway station and airport.
    • Movement of all trucks and other goods carrier vehicles and persons employed for loading and unloading goods.
    • Restaurants.
      (No Separate Pass will be required for this purpose.)

All the above-mentioned institutions/organizations would strictly adhere to the Covid-19 safety protocols; the district administration would ensure strict monitoring & supervision of the same. If any violation is found the concerned institutions/organization would be sealed.

F. Educational Institutions in areas outside the Containment Zones:

The State Government has decided to open Government and Private Education institutions as per the following: –

  1. Online/distance learning shall continue to be permitted and shall be encouraged.
  2. Classes for 1 to 5th will remain closed till further order.
  3. However, District Collectors & District Magistrates based on their assessment may impose local restrictions, with a view to contain the spread of COVID-19, after prior permission of the State Government.

For regular classes all government and private institutions will compulsorily follow the SOP issued by the Education Department. All schools/colleges and Coaching Institutions will strictly follow the SOPs issued from time to time by Ministry of Home Affairs, Health and Family Welfare and Education Ministry of Government of India. These would also follow the directions issued by the Home Department, Medical and Health Department and Education Department of the State Government.

For regular class studies the seating arrangements for students would be made in such a way that the total present students are not more than 50% of the seating capacity of the room. Thermal screening would be mandatory for all the students/staff coming to the private/government schools. The students coming to school for regular class studies would have to submit written permission of their parents/guardian to the school authorities.


Functions and other gatherings will be permitted in areas outside the Containment Zones as follows:

  • Marriage related gathering: Where the organizer shall,
    • Give prior information to the concerned Sub-divisional Magistrate, preferably on email.
    • Ensure social distancing during the function.
    • Ensure mandatory wearing of face masks.
      *No Mask No Entry will be strictly followed.
    • Ensure Screening & Hygiene: Provision for thermal scanning, hand wash and sanitizer will be made at all entry and exit points and common area.
    • Ensure frequent sanitization of common facilities and all points which come into human contact e.g., railings, door handles etc.
    • Ensure that the maximum number of guests allowed shall not be more than 200
    • The organizer shall keep a video recording of the function and would submit if required by the concerned SDM.
    • If any Marriage garden/place is found violating the Covid-19 protocol, the same would be sealed.
  • Funerals/last rites related gatherings with mandatory wearing of face masks, social distancing, provision for hand wash or sanitizer, and the maximum number of persons allowed shall not be more than 20.
  • Social/political / sports /entertainment /academic / cultural / religious functions/gathering, subject to the following conditions: The organizer shall:
    • Give prior information to the concerned District Magistrate/Police Commissioner, along with a seating plan, preferably on email.
    • Ensure that maximum number of guests allowed shall not be
      • In closed spaces, a maximum of 50% of hall capacity will be allowed, with a ceiling of 200 persons.
      • In open spaces, keeping the size of the ground space however each person shall maintain a distance of 6 feet (du gaz-ki-uri).
        However, in all cities with population of more than 1 lakh with a ceiling of 200 persons.
    • Ensure social distancing during the function.
    • Ensure mandatory wearing of face masks. ‘No Mask No Entry’ will be strictly followed.
    • Ensure Screening & Hygiene: Provision for thermal scanning, hand wash and sanitizer will be made at all entry and exit points and common areas.
    • Ensure frequent sanitization of seats, common facilities and all common points which come into human contact such as railings, door handles, common surfaces, floors, etc. Violation of any of the above conditions is an offence and punishable with heavy fine and sealing.


  • All other activities have been permitted outside the Containment Zones, except for following, which have been permitted with certain restrictions:
    • International Air travel of passengers, as permitted by MHA.
    • Cinema halls/Theatres/Multiplexes, and similar places are permitted to open up to 50% capacity subject to SOP issued by Ministry of Information & Broadcasting.
    • Exhibition Halls are allowed to open subject to SOP issued by Department of Commerce. (a maximum of 50% of Hall capacity will be allowed, with a ceiling of 200)
  • The SOPs have been prescribed for various permitted activities. For ease of reference, the list of activity wise SOPs with their web-links will be availableon
  • The SOPs shall be strictly enforced by the authorities concerned, who shall be responsible for their strict observance.


District Collectors & District Magistrates shall take all necessary measures to promote COVID-19 appropriate behavior, such as ensuring strict enforcement of wearing of face mask, hand hygiene and social distancing,

  1. Wearing of face masks is an essential preventive measure. In order to enforce this core requirement. Action including imposition of appropriate fines, on persons not wearing face masks in public and work spaces must be ensured.
  2. Observance of social distancing in crowded places, especially in markets, weekly bazaars and public transport, is also critical for containing the spread of infection. MoHFW will issue a SOP to regulate crowds in market places, which shall be strictly enforced.
  3. SOPs for regulating travels in public transports such as aircrafts, trains, metro rails, buses are already in place, which shall be strictly enforced.
  4. Common Safety Directives for COVID-19 Management shall be strictly followed throughout the State.


The following common SAFETY directives shall remain applicable for all areas and all districts:


The following precautions, being essential for public safety, are mandatory and violation of the same shall be punishable.

  1. Face Covering: Wearing of face cover is compulsory in all public and work places and during transport.
  2. Social distancing: Each person shall maintain a distance of 6 feet “do gaz-ki-dooni”) in public places.
  3. Spitting in public & work places is prohibited and punishable with fine
  4. Consumption of liquor, paan, gutka, tobacco etc. in public place is prohibited and punishable with fine.
  5. All persons are advised to wash hands with soap & water/use sanitizer after touching any surface that is in public contact.


In addition to above, the following additional safety precautions are prescribed for WORK PLACES (Offices, Establishments, Factories, Shops etc.);

  1. Work from home (WfH): As far as possible, the practice of work from home should be followed.
  2. Staggering of work/business hours will be followed in offices, work places, shops, markets and industrial and commercial establishments.
  3. Screening & Hygiene: Provision for thermal scanning, hand wash and sanitizer will be made at all entry and exit points and common areas.
  4. Frequent sanitization of entire workplace, common facilities and all points which come into human contact eg. door handles etc. shall be ensured, including between shifts.
  5. Social Distancing: All persons in charge of work places shall ensure social distancing between workers, through adequate distance between workers, adequate gaps between shifts, staggering the lunch breaks of staff etc.
  6. Intensive communication and training on good hygiene practices shall be taken up.

The District Magistrate and other authorized officers shall enforce Common Safety Directives, as stated above, through fines and penal action as prescribed in the Disaster Management Act, 2005/ The Rajasthan Epidemic Diseases Act, 2020.

3. SHOPS:-

In addition to 1 and 2 above, adequate physical distancing among customers will be ensured in the shops. ‘No Mask No Service i.e. No sale shall be made by the shopkeeper to any customer who is not wearing a Face Mask.


  1. All the resident of Rajasthan are advised to avoid inter-state travel till 14th April 2021 to contain the spread of Covid-19.
  2. There shall be no restriction on inter-State and within State movement of persons and goods. No separate permission/approval/e permit will be required for such movements.
  3. All commercial passenger transport vehicles (bus, taxi, cab aggregators (OLA/Uber etc.) auto rickshaw, cycle rickshaw) are also permitted to ply subject to ensuring proper sanitization of the seats and touch points before and after each journey and other safety precautions prescribed.
  4. Public (City) Transport, Metro Rail will be allowed to operate as per SOP issued
  5. The passengers travelling in any vehicle (personal or commercial) shall not exceed the permitted seating capacity of the registered vehicle.
  6. Movement by passenger trains and domestic passengers air travel etc. will continue to be regulated by the SOPs issued by MHA, Government of India.
  7. It will be compulsory for travellers coming from outside the state to submit a negative RT-PCR test report, done within 72 hours before starting the journey on arrival in Rajasthan. If a passenger is unable to submit a negative RT-PCR test report, it will be mandatory for him/her quarantine for 15 days on arrival at the destination. The following actions shall be ensured in this regard:
    1. All District Collectors & District Magistrates/Police Commissioner will ensure compliance of the decision by establishing a check-posts to check the negative RT-PCR test report of the people coming from outside the state by road.
    2. The General Manager, North-Western Railway, Jaipur, will ensure compliance of orders issued in respect of the negative RT-PCR test report of the passengers travelling through the railway from outside the state.
    3. The Airport Director, Airport Authority of India, Sanganer, Jaipur will ensure compliance of orders issued in respect of the Negative investigation report of the passengers travelling through the air from outside the state.


Vulnerable People (Persons aged 65 and above, Persons suffering from Chronic diseases/co-morbid conditions, Pregnant women and Children below 10 years) are strongly advised to stay at home and move out only for essential and health purposes. However, if they move out of home, it is most essential that they exercise utmost safety precautions as specified.


  1. AarogyaSetu enables early identification of potential risk of infection,
    1. and thus acts as shield for individuals and the community
    2. With a view to ensuring safety in offices and work places, employers on best effort basis should ensure that AarogyaSetu is installed by all employees having compatible mobile phones.
    3. Organization and Business entities with 50 or more employees are encouraged to avail the AarogyaSetu Open API Service (https://openapi Open API feature will facilitate organizations and employees to return to work in COVID-19 risk free environment.
    4. District authorities may advise individuals to install the AarogyaSetu application on compatible mobile phones and regularly update their health status on app. This will facilitate timely provision of medical attention to those individuals who are at risk.


The implementation modalities shall be the same as per the Order of even number dated March 26, 2020.

Fines for Violation of Covid-19 Guidelines in Rajasthan



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This is not a government or official website. This is private information site, where information has been provided for benefit of people. We have made all efforts to provide genuine information & only government sites have been used for reference. However, users are requested to first check and act only on information provided by official sites. 

Note: the government websites, official website all have or at the end of their address. 

Covid-19 Guidelines in Rajasthan for April 2021 | Covid-19 Guidelines in Rajasthan for April 2021 | Covid-19 Guidelines in Rajasthan for April 2021 | Covid-19 Guidelines in Rajasthan for April 2021

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