Rajasthan Geography

Water Resources of Rajasthan

Water Resources of Rajasthan

Rajasthan faces one the greatest scarcity of water resources in the country. It has 13.88% of India’s cultivable area, 5.67% of population and about 11% of country’s livestock but it has only 1.16 % of surface water and 1.70% of ground water. Thus, Rajasthan a state with about 10% of land area has only around …

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Famines and droughts in Rajasthan

Famines and droughts in Rajasthan

The state of Rajasthan is prone to famine and droughts, particularly the western-most districts consisting of Thar desert which often experience successive years of scarcity and droughts. Types of droughts: Put simply, a drought is a failure of rain, leading to moisture stress, that in turn leads to agricultural losses and other forms of social …

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