History India

Buddha Mudra & Gestures Meaning

Abhaya Mudra: Right hand raised to shoulder height, the arm bent and the palm facing outward with the fingers upright and joined and the left hand hanging down. Raised Right Hand: Gesture of fearlessness” represents protection, peace, benevolence and the dispelling of fear. Left hand: The second meaning, Overcoming Fear, is closely related to the …

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List of British Governors-General and Viceroy of India

Governor Genral Timeline Important Facts Warrne Hastings 1773-1785 Lord Cornwollis 1786-1793 Permanent Settlement Bengal 1793 #rowspan# #rowspan# Credited for Civil Services Sir John Shore 1793-1798 Lord Wellesley 1798-1805 Introduced Subsidiary alliance system Sir George Barlow 1805-1807 Lord Minto I 1807-1813 Lord Hastings 1813-1823 Thomas Munro established Ryotwari system in 1820 in Madras Lord Amherst 1823-1828 …

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Ancient India: Summary Notes

The post contains short notes in bulleted from for Ancient India: Paleolithic or Old Stone Age Hunter-gatherers Stone tools, hand-sized and flaked-off large pebbles for hunting animals- made of quartzite Locations: The Soan valley and Potwar Plateau on the northwest India. The Siwalik hills on the north India. Bhimpetka in Madhya Pradesh. Adamgarh hill in …

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Medieval India: Summary Notes

A. is for History. A1: Rajasthan History, A2: India History. Medieval India: AD 750 onwards Eighth to 10th Century (Age of three empires in North India) Pala –East Pratihara – West and Upper Gangetic Valley Rashtrakuta – Deccan-  lasted the longest For a long time, Kanauj was considered the symbol of political unity of India (like Delhi …

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