The State Government launched the Ayushman Bharat Scheme in Rajasthan on September 1, 2019 by combining the Ayushman Bharat-Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojna (AB-PMJAY) of the Center and the state’s Bhamashah Swasthya Bima Yojana (BSBY). After its integration with the state’s Bhamashah Health Insurance Scheme, the new scheme has been named the Ayushman Bharat-Mahatma Gandhi Rajasthan Health Insurance Scheme (AB-MGRSBY).
New Phase of Ayushman Bharat-Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana launched on 30 January 2021
Salient Features of Ayushman Bharat-Mahatma Gandhi Rajasthan Health Insurance Scheme (AB-MGRSBY)
- With the merger of AB-JAY and BSBY, the number of families getting benefits will be increased from 1crore to 1.1 crore.
- The AB-MGJAY will be implemented by the state health Assurance agency (SHAA), Jaipur.
- Cashless treatment facilities at empanelled private and government-run hospitals
- 40 percent of the expenditure on the treatment of these families will be borne by the state government and 60 percent by the central government.
- The amount of coverage is Rs 3 lakh per year in AB-MGRSBY despite of merger with Centre’s AB-PMJAY, which provides coverage of Rs 5 lakh per annum (Source TOI).
Identification of Beneficiaries AB-MGRSBY
There are 60 lakh families who are listed in Socio-Economic Caste Census (SECC) 2011 in the state. Besides, there are 1 crore families covered under NFSA. But, 80% of 60 lakh families listed in SECC 2011 are also covered under NFSA and they were already getting BSBY benefits. Now, the remaining 20% of the families listed in SECC, which is around 10 lakh, who were not getting benefits of BSBY earlier, will now start getting the cashless insurance scheme (AB-MGRSBY). Hence, total number of families getting benefits will be increased from 1crore to 1.1 crore.