
Analysis of Financial Statements

Analysis of Financial Statements - tools and techniques

Financial statements are mainly prepared for decision making purposes. But the information as is provided in the financial statements is not adequately helpful in drawing a meaningful conclusion. Thus, an effective analysis of financial statements is required. This process of critical evaluation of the financial information contained in the financial statements in order to understand and …

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Accounting & Financial Statements: Basics

Basic Concepts of Accounting and Financial Statement

Accounting is the systematic and comprehensive recording of financial transactions pertaining to a business.  According to Bierman and Drebin:” Accounting may be defined as identifying, measuring, recording and communicating of financial information.” Accounting can also be defined as the process of identifying, measuring, recording and communicating the required information relating to the economic events of an …

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Working Capital Management

Every Company makes investment in fixed and current assets. Fixed assets like e.g., plant and machinery, land and building, vehicles, etc, remains in the business for more than one year. On the other hand, Current assets like inventories, debtors, bills receivables, etc. get converted into cash or cash equivalents within one year. Some part of these, current assets …

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Capital Structure: Concept, Factors

Capital Structure - Concept, Factors

One of the important decisions under financial management relates to the financing pattern or the proportion of the use of different sources in raising funds.  Most companies plan to raise funds for their capital needs using a judicious mix between owners funds (equity) and borrowed funds (debt). This mix of equity and debt actually used by a …

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