RAS Mains History & Culture

How to Prepare for RAS Mains History and Culture

RAS Mains GS Paper I section on History includes 3 sections on History & Culture of Rajasthan and India and section on World History. This page lists topics as per the syllabus of RAS Mains.

Part A: History, Art, Culture, Literature, Tradition and Heritage of Rajasthan

  • Major landmarks in the History of Rajasthan from Pre-historic time to close of 18th Century,
  • Important dynasties, their administrative and revenue system.
  • Salient events of 19th & 20th centuries: Peasant & Tribal Movements. Political Awakening, Freedom Movement and Integration.
  • Heritage of Rajasthan: Performing & fine Art, Handicraft and Architecture; Fairs, Festivals, Folk Music and Folk Dance
  • Important works of Rajasthani Literature and Dialects of Rajasthan.
  • Saints , Lok Devtas and eminent personalities of Rajasthan

Relevant PDF’s

Modern History of Rajasthan PDF Notes
Literature Art Architecture Culture and Heritage of Rajasthan PDF eBook

Part B: Indian History & Culture

  • Indian heritage: Fine Art, Performing Art, Architecture & Literature from Indus Civilization to British Era.
  • Religious Movements and religious philosophy in Ancient and Medieval India.
  • History of Modern India from beginning of 19th Century to 1965 AD: Significant events, personalities and issues.
  • Indian National Movement- Its various stages & streams, important contributors and contribution from different parts of the country.
  • Socio-religious Reform Movements in 19th and 20th Century.
  • Post Independence consolidation and reorganisation – Accession of princely states & Linguistic reorganisation of the states

Relevant PDF’s

Part C: History of Modern World (up to 1950AD)

  • Renaissance and Reformation.
  • Enlightenment and Industrial Revolution.
  • Imperialism and colonialism in Asia and Africa.
  • Impact of World Wars.

Answer Writing Practise

RAS Mains 2018: History Questions Analysis

  • Total Marks allotted to History & Culture: 75 Marks 
  • Questions came in 3 parts:
    • Part A (10 Marks):  5 Questions 2 Marks each | Answer Limit: 10 Words
    • Part B (25 Marks):  5 Questions 5 Marks each | Answer Limit: 50 Words
    • Part C (40 Marks):  4 Questions 10 Marks each | Answer Limit: 100 Words
  • RAS 2018: Subject-Wise Breakup
No. of Ques.2 Mark5 Mark10 Mark

RAS Mains History, Culture, Heritage, Art & Architecture

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