RAS Mains Exam Preparation

RAS/RTS selection process is similar to UPSC IAS selection process. The preliminary examinations are followed by RAS Mains examination. Post RAS 2013, RPSC has changed the pattern of RAS mains examination to follow UPSC’s pattern of mains examination. Hence, in RAS mains examination also, there are 4 papers as follows:

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Each paper is 200 marks and 3 hours duration. Now:

Step 1: Understand pattern & type of question paper

The first step towards mains preparation should be understanding the pattern of question papers given by RPSC. Now there is now separate answer booklets and answer have to be written in space provided. Further, each question paper contains a number of questions ranging from 2 marks to 10 Marks.

Step 2: Familiarise yourself with the syllabus of RAS Mains examination:

Step 3: Download Notes in PDF available for RASMains Exam

Step 4: Go through RajRAS sections as per syllabus of RASMains Exam

Go through dedicated RASMains Sections & Practise Questions in each section.

After reading above sections, practise previous years & other question provided in the section itself.

Step 5: Read books on subject and Develop your knowledge base:

Step 6: Attempt Previous years question papers

Step 7: Attempt Mock Tests

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