RAS Mains Paper-4 Test | Day 51

In this, we will cover उपसर्ग, प्रारूप, Comprehension for RAS Mains Paper-4 Test. We will refer Raghav Prakash and B K Rastogi for this test.

In this, we will cover उपसर्ग, प्रारूप, Comprehension for RAS Mains Paper-4 Test. We will refer Raghav Prakash and B K Rastogi for this test.

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उपसर्ग (Page 111 – 117) of Raghav Prakash संस्करण 2021

उत्तर –

  1. अभि-   अभिज्ञान, अभियंता, अभियान, अभिराम, अभिलाषा, अभिवादन, अभिशंसा, अभिशाप, अभिसार।
  2. अधि – अधीन, आधिपत्य, आध्यात्मिक, अधिष्ठाता 
  3. नि – निलंबन, निलय, निवास, निवेश, निहित 
  4. प्रति – प्रतिदिन, प्रतिध्वनि, प्रतिनिधि, प्रतिनियुक्ति 
  5. परि – परिपूर्ण, परिमार्जन, परिवर्तन, परिवार, परिवेश
  6. अप – अपयश, अपेक्षा, अपकीर्ति, अपव्यय
  7. अपि – अपितु, अपिधान, अपिहित 
  8. अव – अवधि, अवाप्ति, अवनति, अवसर 
  9. प्र – प्रकोप, प्रसारित, प्रबल
  10. वि- विख्यात, विनंती, विवाद, विफल, विधवा, विसंगति



Comprehension (Page 349 – 356) of B K Rastogi 19th edition


  1.  Parents and teachers want to inculcate the values of life like honesty, hard work and contentment among children.
  2.  When children are given too much too soon, they grow up to be adults who have difficulty in coping with the disappointments of life. Such children may develop a distorted sense of entitlement that comes in the way of success in the workplace and relationships.
  3.  Parents need to find a balance between the advantages of an affluent society and the critical lessons of life that come from waiting, saving and working hard to achieve goals in today’s world.
  4. Children need limits on their behaviours because they feel better and more secure when they live within a secured structure.
  5.  Contentment 

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