RAS Mains Paper-4 Test | Day 17

In this, we will cover वाक्यांशों के लिए सार्थक शब्द , पल्लवन, Voice and Paragraph for RAS Mains Paper-4 Test. We will refer Raghav Prakash and B K Rastogi for this test.

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वाक्यांश के लिए सार्थक शब्द (Page 429-433) of Raghav Prakash संस्करण 2021

उत्तर –

  1. मुक्तहस्त
  2. यक्ष (कुबेर)
  3. यथेच्छ  
  4. वज्रपाणि 
  5. वैयाकरण 
  6. शरणागत 
  7. विमुक्त 
  8. विपथ 
  9. शर्वरी 
  10. वैदेशिक 

पल्लवन (Number49-51) of Raghav Prakash संस्करण 2021

“कर्ता का समारक कर्म से बढ़कर दूसरा नहीं” का अर्थ है कि एक व्यक्ति के जीवन में उसके कर्म ही उसका सबसे बड़ा स्मारक होते हैं। व्यक्ति के महान कार्य ही उसे यादगार बनाते हैं, न कि उसकी मूर्तियां या भव्य स्मारक।जैसा कि भगवद गीता में कहा गया है, “कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचन”, यानी व्यक्ति का अधिकार केवल कर्म पर है, फल पर नहीं। यह उद्धरण कर्म की महत्ता को दर्शाता है।

महापुरुषों को उनके कर्मों के कारण ही याद किया जाता है। उदाहरणस्वरूप, महात्मा गांधी को उनके स्वतंत्रता संग्राम और सत्य-अहिंसा के सिद्धांतों के कारण याद किया जाता है, न कि उनके नाम पर बने स्मारकों के कारण। उनके द्वारा किए गए कार्य ही उन्हें अमर बनाते हैं। इसी प्रकार, किसी भी व्यक्ति का सबसे बड़ा स्मारक उसके द्वारा किए गए अच्छे कार्य और समाज पर छोड़ी गई सकारात्मक छाप होती है।

इस प्रकार, कर्म से बड़ा और कोई स्मारक नहीं हो सकता, क्योंकि कर्म ही व्यक्ति की असली पहचान है।

Voice (Page 142-154) of B K Rastogi 19th edition

Answer –

  1. Will the old building be pulled by them?
  2. He was nominated Secretary of their club by the members.
  3. The money had to be counted.
  4. The injured player was being carried off the field.
  5. This towel has already been used.

Paragraph (Number 65-68) of B K Rastogi 19th edition

Discipline is the foundation upon which success and personal growth are built. It involves the practice of training oneself to follow rules or a code of behavior, often leading to better outcomes in life. Discipline helps individuals stay focused on their goals, manage time effectively, and maintain a sense of order in their daily activities. It encourages consistency, which is crucial for achieving long-term objectives, be it in academics, work, or personal development.

A disciplined person is more likely to stay motivated and committed to their responsibilities, even in the face of challenges. For example, students who follow a disciplined study routine are more likely to perform well in exams, while athletes who maintain strict training regimens often excel in their sports. Discipline also fosters self-control, which is essential for resisting distractions and temptations that can derail progress.

Furthermore, discipline instills a sense of responsibility and accountability. When individuals are disciplined, they take ownership of their actions and understand the consequences of their decisions. This trait is highly valued in all aspects of life, including personal relationships, careers, and society at large.

As Mahatma Gandhi once said, “The future depends on what we do in the present.” Discipline ensures that we make the right choices today, paving the way for a better and more successful future. Without discipline, even the most talented individuals may fail to reach their full potential, as consistency and effort are the true keys to success.

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