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GS Answer Writing -State Human Rights Commission, State Election Commission, Lokayukta, Rajasthan Public Service Commission , Rajasthan Guaranteed Delivery of Public Services Act, 2011, Rajasthan Right to Hearing Act, 2012 , संक्षिप्तीकरण
The chairperson and members are appointed by the Governor on the recommendations of a committee consisting of the chief minister (Chair), the speaker of the Legislative Assembly, state home minister and the leader of the opposition in the Legislative Assembly.
Additionally, appointing a sitting High Court or District Judge requires consultation with the Chief Justice of the concerned High Court.
For states with a Legislative Council, the Chairman of the Council and the Leader of the Opposition (Council) are also included.
- The Rajasthan government implemented the Right to Hearing Act on 1 August 2012, with the aim of providing a time-bound hearing and disposal of complaints.
- Public Hearing Officer (PHO) : The PHO is tasked with disposing of complaints within 15 days. If a complaint is rejected, reasons must be provided in writing. Additionally, decisions on complaints must be communicated within 7 days.
- First Appellate Authority : Individuals who haven’t been heard or are dissatisfied with the PHO’s decision can appeal to the first appellate authority within 30 days. Appeals filed after 30 days may be considered with valid reasons. The first appellate authority is expected to decide on appeals within 21 days.
- Second Appellate Authority : A second appeal can be made to the second appellate authority within thirty days from the decision of the first appellate authority. Appeals filed later may be considered with sufficient cause.
- The second appellate authority has the power to order the PHO or the first appellate authority to provide a hearing or dispose of the appeal within specified time limits, or reject the appeal.
- The second appellate authority may impose a penalty on the PHO ranging from five hundred rupees to five thousand rupees.
The Rajasthan Public Services Guarantee Act, 2011 guarantees over 300 services across 27 departments. The Right to Hearing Act, 2012 ensures time-bound hearings and complaint resolutions. However, even after more than a decade of implementation, their performance in improving public service delivery has been suboptimal.
Measures for Effective Implementation:
- Appellate Officers: Appoint Sub Divisional Officer, Assistant Director, District Collector, and Divisional Commissioner as second appeal officers instead of departmental officers.
- Broaden the Inspection System
- Establishing criteria for inspecting offices of appellate officers, Deputy Directors, and higher departmental headquarters officers.
- Defining criteria for inspections by district-level officers, ADMs, CEO ZP, SDMs, etc.
- Implementing periodic grievance redressal verification by evaluation department officials
- Regular review and monitoring system:
- Weekly review of cases registered online and offline by DMs and SDMs.
- Weekly review by departmental district officers
- Monthly review at the department head level and at the secretary level of the administrative department.
- Citizen Charter and Job chart: Under the RGDPS Act, the provision of notification of Citizen charter and Job Chart should be included and displayed on the portal.
- Portal Integration: Integrate Sampark Portal with the proposed RGDPS Portal.
- Social Audit: Conduct audits through SSAAT constituted under the Finance Department.
- Formation of Public Service Delivery Guarantee Commission at the state level
- Help Centers: Establish at village/ward level for grievance redressal.
- Automatic Forwarding: Non-delivered service applications to be forwarded to higher authorities automatically.
- Increase the penalty range from Rs. 2000 to Rs. 20000 from the current Rs. 500 to Rs. 5000.
- Early adoption of Rajasthan Transparency and Social Accountability Bill (RTSAB)
- In 2019, a committee chaired by former state election commission Ram Lubhaya was formed to advise on drafting the Social Accountability Bill
- Publicity: Use newspapers, TV, radio, hoardings, etc., for awareness.
- Training: Provide training for designated officers and appeal officers.
These measures will enhance transparency, accountability, and efficiency in public service delivery and grievance redressal, thereby fulfilling the objectives of the RGDPS Act, 2011, and the Rajasthan RTH Act, 2012.
Paper 4 (Comprehension part) – संक्षिप्तीकरण
शीर्षक-निराशा और शारीरिक योग्यता
निराशा मनुष्य की शारीरिक योग्यता को नष्ट करती है। यह शारीरिक थकावट से अधिक भीषण होती है। ताज़गी एवं इन्द्रियों में स्फूर्ति आने से निराशा समाप्त हो जाती है। प्रत्येक बुद्धिमान व्यक्ति हर अवस्था में शारीरिक योग्यता प्राप्त कर सदा अधिक काम करते हुए आगे बढ़ना चाहता है।