We will cover the RAS Mains 2025 Answer Writing syllabus in 90 days.
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GS Answer Writing -Ethical concepts – Rit and Rin, concept of Duty, concept of Good and Virtue , Ethics in private and public relationships – Behaviour, Moral and Political attitudes of administrators, Philosophical basis of Integrity
In Private relationships–
- Individual morality – like Empathy Human values – Compassion,
- Social norms – Respect elders, relatives, Social capital
- Religious doctrines – 7 vows in Hindu marriage, anand karaj in Sikhism
- Law of the land – The Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act, 2007
Public –
- Constitution – A 14, 15, 16 etc
- Code of conduct – All India Services Code of Conduct 1968, Rajasthan Civil Services Conduct Rules 1971
- Code of ethics (Hota committee)
- Laws – IPC/CrPC/GST laws
Root word for Rit is ‘Ru’ Which means movement. Hence Rit stands for an Organised movement. Rit means truth/right/righteousness or natural order which guides this universe.
Ethical concerns and challenges | Concept of rit |
Apathy and Lack of compassion | Rit advocates for order, harmony, and Lawfulness. It highlights the importance of maintaining harmony with each other and hence awakens social consciousness. |
Abuse of power and authority | According to Rit, there is a supreme power or guiding power that runs this universe in an order without Anarchy Similarly our constitution should be the guiding principle for an administrator |
Egoistic attitude | The real doer is Vishnu and even others Gods have to follow the rules of Rit. Other gods are only instruments for this bigger cause This helps kill the “I” or ego in an administrator |
Corruption | Going against Rit leads to Sin. Deeds like Corruption, Scams, and Stealing are against the true nature (Rit) of a divine being and hence should be avoided |
Lack of innovation | Rit means natural order, which can be extended to an unknown Hence Rit can be used to find patterns in cosmos and even in administration. Rit leads to innovation, Curiosity, and discovery. |
Armchair bureaucracy | Rit can’t be worshipped, It should only be followedHence Rit encourages action rather than mere preaching Rit rejects idleness and promotes activity |
Lack of integrityInsincerity (Violation of duty) | Rit is precursor to Dharma and karma Dharma of an administrator is to do his duty diligently with utmost integrity |
Poor Efficiency | ऋतस्य बधिराणि कर्णानि ततर्द Rit promotes truth and awakens those who are sleeping. This would improve efficiency in administration. |
[There are several ways as we have discussed in our answer writing program ‘Kalam’, to start an answer with a relevant introduction and wind up with a impressive conclusion ]
- Background – The term integrity comes from the Latin word in-tangere, which means untouched. [Hence uncompromisable principles]
- Definition – Integrity is strict adherence to moral principles irrespective of place, time, and context. Hence it is a complete refusal to be compromised.
- Quote – “Wisdom is knowing the right path, integrity is walking on it” – Mary Harrison McKee
- Current – Recently, Govt of India launched mission Karmyogi to instill integrity in the Indian administration.
- Formula – Core values (Like honesty, accountability, etc) + Perseverance = Integrity
Role in administration –
- Integrity in the administration increases the efficiency of the organization
- Ex – Dr Samit Sharma IAS
- It increases trust b/w various stakeholders [Citizens, public representatives, staff members, seniors, juniors]
- It helps in making the most appropriate decision while in a dilemma. Avoid situations like a conflict of interest
- For example, An officer with integrity would never succumb to the pressure of seniors, relatives, or any family member even if he/she has to compromise with a personal relationship at that moment. He/she would do the right thing only because it is right
- Ex – Satyendra Dubey IES
- To save oneself from undue political pressure
- Ex – Naripendra Mishra IAS
- Uphold the core values like Accountability and transparency in administration
Philosophical basis of Integrity –
Basis | Concepts that leads to integrity |
Inner conviction | Conscience [Gandhi] Spiritual enlightenment [Buddha] Inherent moral values [Values like compassion might be genetic] According to Mayo Clinic, researchers estimate that 30–60% of kindness is genetically determined |
Ancient Indian Philosophy | Vedas – Rigveda (Rit and Rin)Upanishad, Geeta, Smrities, Sanhitas – Purusarthas – Dharma, Arth, Kaam and MokshaSatyamev Jayate – Mundaka UpanishadMaa Gridha Kasasyvidanam – Isavasyoupanishad Chankya’s Arthshastra |
Modern Indian Philosophy | Vivekananda, Gandhi, Constitution, Preamble etc |
Western Philosophy | Socrates – Knowledge is supreme Plato – Harmonious functioning [Mind, Body and soul]Aristotle – Principle of Golden mean John Rawl – Veil of ignorance (Impartiality) Kant – Duty is supreme Stoicism – Without suffering, Life can’t sustain Jeremy bentham – Your work should benefit maximum peopleMax Weber – Impersonal to avoid misuse of power The movement of good governance by world bank 1992 [Special emphasis on integrity in administration] |
Conclusion –
- Summary – Hence, Instilling integrity is a must for administrative excellence.
- Slogan – Be it internal or external sources, by embracing integrity in life, an administrator can do true justice with the motto Sheelam Param Bhusanam.
Paper 4 (Comprehension part) – भाव-विस्तार
जो पौधा आगे चलकर बड़ा वृक्ष होने वाला होता है, छोटा होने पर भी उसके पत्तों में कुछ-न-कुछ चिकनाई होती है अर्थात् जो होनहार होते है उनकी प्रतिभा बचपन मे ही दिखाई देने लगती है। प्रतिभा अभ्यास से नहीं उत्पन्न होती और वह धनराशि से खरीदी भी नहीं जा सकती । जीवन के सभी क्षेत्रों में अपनी मौलिक प्रतिभा का परिचय देने वाले महापुरुषों का जीवनवृत्त साक्षी है कि उन्होंने बचपन से ही अपनी विलक्षणता की ओर संकेत किया है । जो महापुरुष होते हैं, उनमें महानता के लक्षण जन्म से ही दिखाई देते हैं, क्योंकि वे जन्म से ही अपने छोटे– छोटे कार्यों से दूसरों के हृदय पर प्रभाव डालते हैं। उन कार्यों से उनमें महान् गुणों का विकास होता है। मानवीय गुणों के पारखी लोग ऐसे गुणवान जनों को समय से पूर्व ही पहचान लेते हैं।
पूत के पाँव पालने में ही सूचित कर देते हैं कि यह होनहार बिरवा आने वाले दिनों में कितने विशाल वटवृक्ष के रूप में परिणत होगा । राष्ट्र और समाज के प्रति अपनी प्रातिभ चेतना से विलक्षण योगदान देने वाले लोगों ने बचपन से ही अपनी मनोवृत्ति और क्रियाशीलता का संकेत दिया है । पत्थर पर लगातार रस्सी के घिसने से निशान अवश्य पड़ जाते हैं , लेकिन प्रतिभा का दीप प्रौढ़ावस्था में नहीं प्रज्वलित होता । बचपन की गतिविधियों में किसी भी व्यक्ति की भावी जीवनयात्रा का पूर्वाभास परिलक्षित होता है ।