RAS PRE 2018 Basket Of Questions —Basket 01

Ras Pre 2018 Basket 01: Topics

Rajasthan –

  1. British Treaty with Rajputana States
  2. AdministrationofRajasthanunderBritishRule
  3. Land Revenue System in Rajasthan during British
  4. CurrentAffairs(April-May2017)

India —

  1. Current Affairs (April-June 2017)

World —

  1. Miscellaneous

Ques.1 Consider the following statements with regard to Swachh Survekshan.
Which of the following are correct.

  1. 2 cities of Rajasthan secured rank in Top 100 in the cleanliness ranking
  2. BundiisthebestperformerinRajasthan
  3. Jaipursecured215thrank
  • a. Only 1
  • b. Only 1 and 3
  • c. Only 2 and 3
  • d. Only 3

Ques.2 Which of the following statements are correct?

  1. ‘Fat Boy Satellite’ is launched by ISRO
  2. It is launched through GSLV MarkIII rocket
  • a. Only Statement 1 is correct
  • b. OnlyStatement 2 is correct
  • c. Both the Statements are correct
  • d. Neither of the Statements are correct

Ques.3 Aspergillus Tubingensis capable of degrading plastic materials, is a type of

  • a. Bacteria
  • b. Insect
  • c. Lichen
  • d. Fungus

Ques.4 Which of the following statements are correct?

  1. Theme of 12th G20 Summit was “Creating a Better World”
  2. G20 is made up of 19countries+EuropeanUnion
  • a. Only Statement 1 is correct
  • b. Only Statement2 is correct
  • c. Both the Statements are correct
  • d. Neither of the Statements are correct

Assertion — Self Replicating 3D Printers will help humans in building an outpost on the moon
Reason — These printers can replicate itself using lunar material

  • a. Both A and R are correct, R is correct reason of A
  • b. Both Aand R are correct, R is not correct reason of A
  • c. A is correct, R is wrong
  • d. A is wrong,R is correct

Ques.6 Who was assigned the task of negotiating alliances with the states of Rajasthan

  • a. Lord Wellesley
  • b. RobertClive
  • c. Lord Hastings
  • d. Charles Metcalf

Ques.7 Which of the following statements are correct?

  1. India for the first time hosted the Global Conference on Cyber Space 2017
  2. Theme of GCCS2017 was “Clean Cyber Space for Safer World”
  • a. Only Statement 1 is correct
  • b. Only Statement2 is correct
  • c. Both the Statements are correct
  • d. Neither of the Statements are correct

Ques.8 Which is the World’s Driest desert?

  • a. Gobi Desert
  • b. SaharaDesert
  • c. Thar Desert
  • d. Atacama Desert

Ques.9 Budapest Convention is related to:

  • a. Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species
  • b. Convention on Cyber Crime
  • c. Convention on Banking Norms
  • d. Convention on Euro Norms

Ques.10 GST Tax rates applying to goods are

  • a. 5%, 10%, 18%, 30%
  • b. 8%,15%,18%,30%
  • c. 5%, 12%, 18%, 28%
  • d. 5%,12%,28%,40%

Ques.11 Kaladan multi-modal project is a collaboration between India and

  • a. Bangladesh
  • b. Nepal
  • c. Myanmar
  • d. A and Cboth

Ques.12 Consider the following statements regarding BHIM-Aadhar Pay App. Which of the following are incorrect?

  1. No Biometric details will be required
  2. This App needs to be installed by both merchants and customers
  • 1 only
  • 2only
  • Both1 and 2
  • Neither1 nor 2

Ques.13 Pierre L’enfant Planning Excellence and Achievements Awards -2017 has been awarded to

  • a. Bhubaneshwar
  • b. Bengaluru
  • c. Hyderabad
  • d. Telangana

Ques.14 Which of the following statements are correct?
1. Operation Insaaniyat was launched by Govt of India to assist Myanmar
2. It is to provide relief to the people of Myanmar in the recent flood crisis

  • a. Only Statement 1 is correct
  • b. Only Statement 2 is correct
  • c. Both the Statements are correct
  • d. Neither of the Statements are correct

Ques.15 Eastern Rajasthan Canal Project is related to which river

  1. Banas River
  2. ChambalRiver
  3. Mahi River
  4. LuniRiver

Ques.16 ‘Green Protocol’ for weddings has been started in which state

  1. Rajasthan
  2. Kerela
  3. Madhya Pradesh
  4. Mizoram

Ques.17 Pakistan has been kept out from availing the benefit of which recent Indian Satellite

  • a. GSAT-19
  • b. GSAT-09
  • c. IRNSS
  • d. CartoSat

Ques.18 Which of the following statements are incorrect?

  1. KELT-9 is the hottest known exoplanet
  2. Exoplanets are the planets that orbit the sun beyond Neptune
  • 1 only
  • 2only
  • Both1and2
  • Neither1nor2

Ques.19 Xiamen declaration is related to

  • a. BRICS
  • b. G20
  • c. ASEAN
  • d. SASEC

Ques.20 Consider the following statements about the Prithvi-II missile. Which of the following statements are correct?

  1. It is the 1st missile to be indigenously developed by DRDO under India’s IGMDP
  2. Its strike range is 500km
  3. Surface to Air, Short Range Ballistic Missile
  • a. Only 2 is correct
  • b. Only 2and3 are correct
  • c. Only 1 is correct
  • d. All are correct

Ques.21 Which state is discussed below

  1. It has Mouling National Park
  2. It has demanded a different time zone
  • a. Gujarat
  • b. Rajasthan
  • c. Mizoram
  • d. Arunachal Pradesh

Ques.22 Codex standards are related to

      1. Computer Programming Standards
      2. DefenceMachineryStandards
      3. Food Standards
      4. MedicineStandards

Ques.23 In regard to Treaties signed with British, match the following correctly State Ruler

  1. Jaisalmer
  2. Bundi
  3. Bharatpur
  4. Udaipur
  • A. Maharao Moolraj
  • B. Ranjeet Singh
  • C. Rao Vishnu Singh
  • D. Maharana Bhim Singh
      1. 1-A, 2-B, 3-C, 4-D
      2. 1-A,2-C,3-B,4-D
      3. 1-D, 2-C, 3-B, 4-A
      4. 1-C,2-B,3-D,4-A

Ques.24 Consider the following statements with regard to Ajmer-Merwara Province. Which of the following are incorrect.

    1. It was ceded to British by Daulat Rao Sindhia
    2. It was then controlled by ChiefCommissioner
    3. Rai Bahadur Sindhia was the last Chief Commissioner before Independence
  • Only 1
  • Only1and3
  • Only2and3
  • Only3

Ques.25 Which is the 1st city in the country to be digitally mapped

  • a. Raipur
  • b. Bundi
  • c. Chennai
  • d. Bengaluru

Ques.26 Which of the following are dams on Chambal river

      1. Jawahar Sagar Dam
      2. BisalpurDam
      3. Rana Pratap Sagar Dam


  • 2 only
  • 2 and 3 only
  • 1,2 and 3
  • 1 and3 only

Ques.27 Which of the following statements are correct?

      1. First all-women patrolling wing of Rajasthan was launched in Jaipur
      2. First government hospital helipad of Rajasthan was launched in Jhalawar


  • Only 1
  • Only2
  • Both1and2
  • Neither1nor2

Ques.28 Which of the following statements are incorrect?

      1. Khalsa Land — Under direct State Management
      2. JagirLand—Held by Grantees


  • Only 1
  • Only2
  • Both1and2
  • Neither1nor2

Ques.29 Which of the following statements are correct?

      1. Chabahar Port is located on Gulf of Aden
      2. India and Iran signed a pact for the development of Chabahar Port


  • Only Statement 1 is correct
  • Only Statement 2 is correct
  • Both the Statements are correct
  • Neither of the Statements are correct

Ques.30 Match the following Cess Charged On

    1. Nalrai
    2. Guada
    3. Arat
  • A. Irrigated Land
  • B.Cattle Breeding
  • C.Goods Transportation


    1. 1-A, 2-B, 3-C
    2. 1-A,2-C,3-B
    3. 1-C, 2-B, 3-A
    4. 1-C,2-A,3-B

Answers Basket 01

Note: Answer to Q14 is “D” instead of “A”

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