Steps for Soil Conservation in Rajasthan include:
Adequate Drainage:
- The solution for salinity & Alkalinity of soil is to provide of soil is to provide adequate drainage.
Use of Gypsum:
- Use of gypsum which is abundantly and cheaply available in Rajasthan, is economical and long term solution to the problem of Alkalinity.
- Large scale planting of saplings which act as wind breaks & also prevents soil erosion through water.
Shelter Belts:
- In dry regions rows of trees are planted to check wind movement to protect soil cover.
Contour Barriers:
- Stone, gross, soils are used to build barrier along contours. Trenches are made in front of the boomers to collect water.
Grass Development:
- Plantation of trees & grasses on marginal and sub marginal land.
Wind strip cropping:
- Grass and crop strip at right angle to wind direction.
Stubble Mulching:
- Crop stubbles are left in the field and next crop planted with minimum tillage.
Contour Bonding:
- Ravine land can be made cultivable by leveling followed by contour bonding
- The medium and deep gullies can also be converted into productive wood lands.
Proper Drainage System in canal Project Area:
- The problem of water logging can be checked and overcome by introducing proper drainage system in the canal project area.
- Dry Farming is a method of conserving soil moisture preventing soil erosion.
Rock Dam:
- Rock Dam is built to slow down its flow of water.
- A layer of organic matter is made on soil. It helps to retain soil moisture.
- Different crops are grown in alternative rows to protect the soil form rain wash
Terrace Farming:
- Broad flat steps or terraces are made on the steep slopes so that flat surfaces are available to grow crops.
- They reduce surface run off & soil erosion.
Contour Plugging:
- Plugging parallel to the contours of a hill slope to form a natural barrier for water to flow down the slope
The Rajasthan Government has also implemented:
- Rajasthan Soil and Water Conservation Act, 1964
- Rajasthan Soil and Water Conservation Rules, 1966
for Soil Conservation in Rajasthan