Rajasthan Solar Energy Policy 2019

Rajasthan Solar Energy Policy 2019 - Download PDF | Features | Summary | Provisions

Rajasthan’s solar generation potential has been assessed at 142 GW. The State Government plans to systematically harness this potential and has set for itself an ambitious target of 30 GW capacity by 2024-25 which will transform the energyscape of the state and the country.

To meet the global commitment Government of India, has fixed a national target of 175 GW Renewable Energy, which includes 100 GW from Solar Energy by the year 2022.

In order to revitalize the renewable energy sector, the state government has brought in several innovative features in the ‘Rajasthan Solar Energy Policy 2019′.

Vision & Objectives of Rajasthan Solar Energy Policy 2019:

  1. To develop solar power sector in the State with “Stakeholder-Driven” policy.
  2. To be a major contributing State for achieving the national target of 100 GW capacity of solar energy as a part of global commitment.
  3. To achieve “optimal energy mix” of conventional and renewable power ensuring energy security of the State, efficient grid management and protecting interests of stakeholders.
  4. To promote new technologies in solar energy generation and storage to make solar energy more cost competitive and reliable source of energy for consumers.
  5. To facilitate development of infrastructure in generation, transmission, distribution and manufacturing sector of renewable energy.
  6. Create better atmosphere to innovate and invest for micro, small and medium enterprises for harnessing solar energy.
  7. Human Resource Development with particular reference to renewable energy and generation of employment opportunities.
  8. To facilitate and support Research & Development activities in the field of RE. Nurturing better products, processes and systems to promote growth of Renewable Energy
  9. To deploy ancillary services for making the grid flexible for RE Power integration by various modes like Demand Side Management, Time of Day Tariff, Scheduling & Forecasting, Storage Systems, Reactive Power Management, Grid Reserve/Balancing Capacity etc.

Target of Rajasthan Solar Energy Policy 2019:-

The Policy aims to achieve a target of 30,000 MW Solar Power Projects up to 2024-25 in the State as under:-

S. NO.ParticularsTarget Capacity
1 Utility/Grid Scale Solar Parks 24,000 MW
2 Distributed Generation 4,000 MW
3Solar Rooftop1,000 MW
4Solar Pumps1,000 MW

Nodal Agency

  • Rajasthan Renewable Energy Corporation (RRECL) will act as nodal agency for renewable energy projects in Rajasthan.

Salient Features of Rajasthan Solar Energy Policy 2019

  • Adoption of electric vehicles has been made part of policy priority. Rajasthan Government will provide land at 50% concessional rate of DLC for first 500 renewable energy-based EV charging stations. These projects will get 100% exemption in normal transmission and wheeling charges for a period of 10 years and 100% electricity duty waiver for 7 years.
  • The solar policy aims to develop 33 district headquarters as ‘Green Energy Cities’ in next five year by installing 300 MW of solar rooftop systems.
  • RREC will fund solarisation of the Stand Alone Mini Drinking Water Supply Schemes in rural areas by energizing the pumps from solar energy. The project will be taken up on pilot basis for 200 schemes considering the availability of ground water in the area. The project while ensuring the supply of drinking water will also address the issue of non-availability of funds with the Gram Panchayats for payment of electricity bills.
  • RREC to undertake studies in Renewable Energy for further policy interventions.
  • Policy incentives related to manufacturing of solar energy equipments in Rajasthan.
    • Benefits of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) Policy to eligible manufacturers.
    • Land allotment at 50% concessional rate in industrial area/any other area.
    • Exemption of 100% Stamp duty.
    • Full exemption in Electricity Duty for 10 years.
    • Investment subsidy on SGST to solar energy equipment manufacturers- 90% of SGST due and deposited for 7 years.
    • Employment Subsidy as per RIPS -Reimbursement of 90% paid for employees for 7 years.
    • Interest subsidy as per RIPS, treating solar energy equipment manufacturing as thrust sector.
    • Other benefits of Rajasthan Investment Promotion Scheme (RIPS).
  • Setting up of Rajasthan Renewable Energy Development Fund (RREDF) for up-gradation of transmission and distribution infrastructure of the power utilities.


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