Rajasthan Export Promotion Coordination Council REPCC Notified

Rajasthan Export Promotion Coordination Council (REPCC)

The Rajasthan state government has notified the Rajasthan Export Promotion Coordination Council (REPCC) to provide guidance to the exporters and coordinate between different industrial organizations, exporters or various state government departments to remove difficulties in export of various goods and services. Additionally, the government has also notified, setting-up of yet another council, named Rajasthan Export Promotion Council to develop, promote and support export-oriented industries along with allied activities in Rajasthan.

Rajasthan Export Promotion Coordination Council (REPCC)

Chief Secretary will chair the 19-member Rajasthan Export Promotion Coordination Council and the Additional Chief Secretary Industries will the Deputy Chair. Additional Chief Secretaries of Transport, Mines & Minerals, Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Finance departments along with Principal Secretaries of MSME, Tourism, Forest & Environment, Energy and Labour & Employment departments will be the members of this body. Commissioners of Commercial Taxes (GST) and the Bureau of Investment Promotion and Managing Director of Rajasthan Small Industries Corporation Ltd will also be the members, while Commissioner Industries will be the Member Secretary.

For managing day-to-day affairs of the Rajasthan Export Promotion Coordination Council, a four-member Management Committee would be constituted under the chairmanship of Commissioner Industries. Additional Director (Export) of the Industries department will be the Member Secretary of this committee .

Rajasthan Export Promotion Coordination Council (REPCC) will also have two members of the Rajasthan Export Promotion Council as its members. The state government will further nominate the representatives and experts from the industry to the Coordination Council from time to time.

Major Functions of REPCC:

The Council will support in developing basic infrastructural facilities required for expansion of export from Rajasthan and coordinate with various departments and enterprises of the Government of India for promotion of exports. It will also play important role in organizing international, national or state-level fairs &exhibitions, workshops, conventions, business meets or seminars etc for expansion of export business.

The Coordination Council will constitute sector-wise committees or special panels for development of businesses in handicraft, textiles, agriculture, gems-jewelry sectors or region-wise committees for Mewar, Marwar, Hadauti and Shekhawati regions.

Rajasthan Export Promotion Council

The Chief Minister has approved for setting-up of the Rajasthan Export Promotion Council under the Companies Act, 2013.

Major Responsibilities:

Major responsibility of the Rajasthan Export Promotion Council will be to provide technical guidance and sharing of information and expert advice in regard to the demand of exports for various products, formalities required to be completed, coordination, counseling or financial support along with arrangements of conventions, business meetings and seminars, publication and distribution of promotional literature and providing international or national platforms to the exporters and other businessmen for promotion of their trades.

The Council will also issue documents like ‘Certificate of Origin’ or ‘Registration-cum-Membership Certificate’ to the exporters.

The Organisation of Council:

The 25-member strong Executive Committee of this Council will have a President, a Vice President and four state government officers as ex-officio members. Individuals, firms, companies, institutes or organizations associated with export business directly or indirectly or any firm or body registered in India or abroad could become the member of this Council.

Additional Chief Secretary Industries Secretary MSME, Managing Director of RIICO and Commissioner Industries would be the ex-officio members of the executive body. President, Vice President, Treasurer and 18 members will be elected by voting every two years. No person will be elected as President consecutively for the second tenure.

The State Government would provide a corpus fund of Rs. 1 crore for management of this Council.

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