Rajasthan Economic Review 2018-19 Download PDF: English-Hindi

Download Rajasthan Economic review 2018-19 PDF

Like Economic Survey is published at Union Level, the Directorate of Economics and Statistics Rajasthan publishes the Economic Review for Rajasthan, every year. The Economic Review is an annual document which is presented in the State Legislative Assembly at the time of presentation of the State Government Budget. The “Rajasthan Economic Review 2018-19” attempts to present an overview of the State’s economy as well as various development programmes being implemented in the State.

The Economic Review attempts to present a bird’s eye view of the development of the State under various programmes. The present publication of Economic Review 2018-19 provides the status and progress of socio-economic development of the state.

Contents of Rajasthan Economic Review 2018-19:

The Economic Review 2018-19, presents the recent trends and prospects of State’s economy. This publication is divided into descriptive and statistical parts. The descriptive part carries out a comprehensive review of the performance of programmes/ schemes and the statistical part contains data pertaining to different sectors of Rajasthan’s economy.

  • Key Indicators of Economic Development
  1. Rajasthan: An Overview
  2. Public Finance
  3. Macro-Economic Aggregates
  4. Prices and Public Distribution System
  5. Agriculture and Allied Sector
  6. Industries
  7. Infrastructure Development
  8. Social Sector Development
  9. Rural Development and Panchayati Raj
  10. Other Programmes
  11. Public-Private-Partnership
  12. Externally Aided Projects
  13. Sustainable Development Goals

Download Economic Review 2018-19: English

Download Economic Review 2018-19: Hindi

The summary PDF of this year’s economic review covering all important aspects, considering the upcoming examinations would be release shortly by RajRAS.

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