Rajasthan Agri Export Promotion Policy 2019

The Rajasthan Agro Processing, Agribusiness and Agri Export Promotion Policy 2019

On 17th December 2019, Rajasthan Chief Minister, Ashok Gehlot, launched the Rajasthan Agro Processing, Agribusiness and Agri Export Promotion Policy 2019 to encourage agro-processing and agricultural exports and increase farmers’ income in the state. The policy endeavours to make Rajasthan as production and supply hub of processed agricultural products and a destination of choice for investors, processors and exporters.


  1. To promote cluster based approach in production and agro-processing.
  2. To augment farm gate infrastructure
  3. To promote backward-forward linkage for a sustainable system for farming and industrial sector
  4. To minimizing the post harvest losses by strengthening the supply chain.
  5. To accelerate capital investments in value and supply chain of agriculture and allied sector.
  6. To augment the capacity of agro-processing sector to upscale the operations through capital infusion, technology transfer and hand holding support.
  7. To promote market outreach of fresh fruits & Vegetables, ethnic food items, organic produce and value added agri-products of state in domestic and international market and to build a strong State brand.
  8. To support the agro-industry for greater compliance and adoption of the standard of food safety and hygiene in order to meet the norms set up by FSSAI and importing countries.
  9. Capacity building and skill upgradation through institutional training to ensure sustainable employment opportunities to the people and also to reduce the gap in requirement and availability of skilled manpower in the food processing sector
  10. To develop state as logistic hub by creating support infrastructures near NCR and in DMIC catchment area.
  11. To initiate suitable policy measures for developing a fast and vibrant agri business sector.

Scope & Coverage

  • The Policy will be applicable to new agro processing and agro business enterprises set up in the State and also to existing agro-processing and agro-business enterprises undergoing modernization, expansion or diversification.


  • The Policy will be operative till 31st March, 2024 and be reviewed in year 2021.

Eligible Sectors

Rajasthan Agro-processing, Agri-business and Agri-export Promotion Policy, 2019 will cover the following sectors:

  • Fruits & Vegetables processing
  • Spices processing
  • Cereal/other consumer food products
  • Oilseeds products
  • Rice & flour milling
  • Pulse processing
  • Herbal, medicinal, flower and aromatic products
  • Minor forest produce processing
  • Honey processing
  • Milk processing
  • Meat (other than beef), Poultry, Fishery processing
  • Cattle feed, poultry feed, fish meal products
  • Non edible agriculture produce processing
  • Other such Agricultural and horticultural product processing activities for preparing food flavours and colours, oleoresins and mushrooms products
  • Agri Waste Processing Units
  • Infrastructure Projects: Collection/Aggregation Centre, Warehouses, Cold Storages,
  • Food Irradiation Processing Plants, Cold Chain, Pack houses, agro-processing clusters or parks declared by State Government, Reefer Vans etc.

Ineligible Sectors

Following sectors will not be eligible under Rajasthan Agro-processing, Agri-business & Agri-export Promotion Policy, 2019:

  • Investment for manufacturing Tobacco products, Pan Masala containing tobacco, Gutka other intoxicated products
  • Investment in stand-alone bottling or packaging plants including bottling/packaging plants for potable liquor, beer, or aerated drinks
  • Beef Meat Processing units
  • Manufacturing of soft drinks, production of mineral waters and otherbottled/pouched waters
  • Manufacturing or sizing of wood, manufacture of furniture and products made fromwood and cork
  • Production of firewood and charcoal
  • Processing units discharging toxic effluent without having effluent treatment plant.

Salient Features of the Policy

  • State Level Sanctioning and Monitoring Committee (SLSC) shall be competent to include/exclude any sector/sub-sector from the ambit of Policy to ensure all-inclusive growth of Agriculture and allied sector in the State.


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