Rajasthan Action Plan on Climate Change

Rajasthan Action Plan on Climate Change | Climate Change in Rajasthan

To deal with the climate change related issues and find out the right strategy India had released a National Action Plan on Climate Change in 2008. In 2010, Rajasthan released Rajasthan Environment Policy (SEP) and formulated a Climate Change Agenda for Rajasthan (CCAR). Later, the Rajasthan Environment Mission was constituted to bring into focus the high priority issues emerging from the SEP and CCAR.

Under the Rajasthan Environment Mission, the CCAR listed a set of state priorities for adaptation and mitigation policy and action during the time period 2010-2014. State-specific missions for Rajasthan were developed highlighting research gaps and needs along with relevant policy measures, in light of the state’s vulnerabilities and capacities. Thus 7 key areas were identified & task forces were constituted on:

  1. Water Resources
  2. Agriculture and Animal Husbandry
  3. Forestry and Biodiversity
  4. Human Health
  5. Enhanced Energy Efficiency and Solar Energy
  6. Urban Governance and Sustainable Habitats
  7. Strategic Knowledge for Climate Change

In 2012, the state government drafted the Rajasthan Action Plan on Climate Change (RAPCC 2010-2014) in concurrence with the guiding principles of the Rajasthan Environment Policy 2010, Rajasthan Environment Mission 2010 and the Climate Change Agenda for Rajasthan (2010-2014). However, RAPCC remained a draft – never circulated and never came into effect.

RAPCC Guiding Principles

  • National priorities as identified in NAPCCC
  • State- specific risks, impacts and opportunities under changing climate,
  • Stakeholder consultation.

Institutional Structure for Implementation

  • Climate Change & Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) Cell
    • Rajasthan State Government established a Climate Change and Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) Cell’ in the Rajasthan State Pollution Control Board (RSPCB) to act as a nodal agency for coordinating issues related to climate change in the State.
    • The Cell was constituted in April 2010 and was involved in the drafting of the CCAR.
  • Environment Mission
    • To be headed by CM and Ministers Ministers of various various key departments departments as members members.
  • Steering Committee
    • To be headed by Chief Secretary and Principal Secretaries of various key departments as members.
  • Task Forces
    • In key thrust areas to be constituted under the concerned Principal Secretary/Secretary

Recent Initiatives by State Government

The state government is renewing its focus on climate change and has announced to restructure the directorate and make a new action plan. In budget speech 2019-20, Chief minister Ashok Gehlot announced restructuring of the DOE as Directorate of Environment and Climate Change (DOECC). He also announced drafting a new state action plan for climate change with Central government funding.


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