New Scheme for Issuing Transit Passes w.e.f 10 May

10 May New Scheme for Issuing Transit Passes

On 10th May, Chief Minister Shri Ashok Gehlot ordered new scheme for issuing transit passes for travel within & in or out of Rajasthan. This scheme replaces the old system of e-pass with immediate effect. Under the new scheme:

New Scheme for Issuing Inter-State Transit Passes w.e.f 10 June

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Movement within District/ Within Rajasthan

  • People in Rajasthan will not need a pass to travel from one district to another in the state between 7am to 7pm, except for areas under curfew.
  • Similarly, people will not need a pass to travel within a district between 7am to 7pm, except for areas under curfew.
  • This does not apply to Containment Zone / Curfew Area, for which special pass is required from DM / SP/ DCP.
  • Apart from hot-spot areas & curfew areas, people travelling from one district to another will not have to undergo Quarantine of 14 days. Only people with related symptoms like fever, cough & cold need to be quarantined.

Movement out of Rajasthan

For people going to other states on their own vehicle,

  • Online pass can be obtained by a Citizen by registering on eMitra portal by providing all the relevant detail along with documents or can also register dialling number 181 or 18001806127The pass will be approved by the District Magistrate (DM) of the District concerned.
  • Offline passes for Travel can be obtained from the following offices:
    • District collectors, superintendents of police, sub-divisional officers, deputy superintendents of police, tehsildars,
    • Regional transport officers and station house officers.
    • The district industry officers, superintendents engineer mining and other district level officers of RIICO can issue the pass for department related activities.
    • All the above officers will have to update district collector w.r.t passes issued everyday.
    • In case a vehicle is sent to drop any person/s to a destination  outside the State, the Pass should clearly mention oneway journey and that the return journey is only for the vehicle and the driver. This will prevent entry of any unauthorized persons

For people travelling to other states by through bus or train and for areas under curfew,

  • The district collector will issue a pass for travel after approval of journey by recipient state.

Emergency Pass

Emergency pass (i.e. medical emergency, death in immediate family, or accident etc.) can be obtained from any of the  following offices:

  • District collectors, sub-divisional officers, Tehsildars,
  • Superintendents of police,  deputy superintendents of police and station house officers
  • Regional transport officers and DTO’s

In case of any difficulty, it can also be obtained telephonically by dialing 181, which will connect the caller to the District War Room, from where the pass will be issued and sent on WhatsApp / SMS / email instantly

Guidelines for People coming into Rajasthan

  • For people coming to Rajasthan from other states, the pass issued by the respective state will be valid. If that state asks for no objection certificate (NOC) from authorities in Rajasthan, the concerned district collector will be able to issue NOC.
  • The 14-day quarantine will be mandatory for people coming to Rajasthan from other states.
  • If people are unable to get in touch with nodal officers, they can contact war room helpline at 181.

Guidelines issued on 18th May for Lockdown 4.0


  1. Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for movement of persons, as mentioned in Annexure1 of MHA Guidelines dated May 17th, 2020 shall continue to operate.
  2. InterState movement of passenger vehicles (including buses / taxis) with mutual consent of the State(s) / UT(S) involved.
  3. InterState and within State movement of any truck or other goods carrier vehicle, whether with goods, livestock, mining or construction material etc. or empty, shall not be hindered.
  4. InterState and within State movement of medical professionals, nurses and paramedical staff, sanitation personnel and ambulances shall be permitted without any hindrance.
  5. Transportation of labour within the State from one district (any zone) to another (any zone) for work in industry or construction activity is permitted.
  6. Within State movement of buses is permitted on routes allowed by Home Department.
  7. City Bus service is permitted Green Zones.
  8. All other commercial passenger transport vehicles taxi, cab aggregators (OLA/ Uber etc.) auto rickshaw, cycle rickshaw – are also permitted to ply, subject to any zonewise restriction.
  9. The passengers travelling in any vehicle (personal or commercial) shall not exceed the permitted seating capacity as approved by the RTO/DTO initially.
  10. No Pass shall be required for movement of persons or vehicles within the State, unless specifically stated because of zonal restrictions. However, such movement will be subject to the following conditions:
    1. (1) The movement of individuals / vehicles is only for permitted activities under these guidelines / for emergency.
    2. (2) Strict legal action shall be taken against any person who violates the conditions of  the lockdown, including impounding of the vehicle.
  11. Pass / NOC for travel outside or into State
    1. This will be in accordance with the procedure stated in NOC issued vide order dated May 11th, 2020 and Addendum dated 13052020

Note: No pass will be required for persons travelling outside the State by scheduled train or bus service {as per E (ii) above for buses}


  • CMO release on New Scheme for Issuing Transit Passes w.e.f 10 May – Download Hindi Press Release PDF
  • Revised SOP – Download PDF

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