Lockdown 5 in Rajasthan: Guidelines, Permitted Activities, Restrictions

Lockdown 5 in Rajasthan Permitted Activities Guidelines Restrictions

As lockdown 4.0 comes to end, on 30th May, the Union Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) released guidelines for lockdown 5.0 | Unlock 1. Consequently, on 31st May, Department of Home, Government of Rajasthan detailed guideline & implementation order for Lockdown 5 in Rajasthan.

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Period of Lockdown 5 in Rajasthan

These guidelines w.r.t Lockdown 5.0 in Rajasthan would be valid for the period from June 1st to June 30th 2020.

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  • These are areas where COVID-19 positive cases have been detected in recent past and there is need to contain and isolate the spread of the virus. The area will be suitably identified and strict protocol will be observed in the Containment Zones as stated in the MHA / Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (MOHFW) guidelines and only essential activities shall be allowed.
  • There shall be strict perimeter control to ensure that there is no movement of population in or out of these zones except for medical emergencies and for maintaining supply of essential goods and services.
  • Prohibitory orders under Section 144 Cr.P.C will be issued by the district authority concerned.
  • The District authorities will also identify Buffer Zones outside the respective Containment Zones and will determine the restrictions on activities for such area that are considered necessary.

B. RESTRICTION Under Section 144 Cr.P.C: Night Curfew

  • The movement of individuals, for all non-essential activities, shall remain strictly prohibited between 9 pm to 5 am across the State.
  • Not applicable to Government & medical personnel on Covid-19 duty.
  • Conditional Exceptions allowed to:
    • Factories having night shifts
    • Construction activities (during acute summer period)
    • IT and ITeS companies
    • Chemist shops


The following activities will continue to remain prohibited across the State till further orders:

  • All international air travel of passengers, except for purposes as permitted by MHA, GOI.
  • Metro rail services.
  • Schools, colleges, educational / training / coaching institutions etc. will remain closed. Online / distance learning shall be encouraged.
  • All cinema halls,, gymnasiums, swimming pools, entertainment parks, theatres, bars, auditoriums, assembly halls and similar places.
  • All social/ political / sports / entertainment / academic / cultural/ religious functions and other large congregations.
  • Hotels, Restaurants, Club houses (excluding sports facilities), and other hospitality services and eating places (except home delivery and take-away, that already remain permitted)
  • Shopping malls
  • All religious places / places of worship shall be closed for public.


The following standard SAFETY precautions and restrictions shall remain applicable for all areas and all districts:

D1. In Public Places: 

The following precautions, being essential for public safety, are mandatory and violation of the same shall be punishable with fine.

  • Wearing of face cover is compulsory in all public and work places and public transport.
  • Spitting in public & work places is prohibited.
  • Social distancing (minimum 6 feet – “do gaz ki doori”) shall be followed by all persons in public places.
  • Consumption of liquor, paan, gutka, tobacco etc. in public place is strictly prohibited.
  • All persons are advised to wash hands with soap & water / use sanitizer after touching any surface that is in public contact.

D2. At Work Places

In addition to 1 above, the following additional safety precautions are prescribed for WORK PLACES (Offices, Establishments, Factories, Shops etc.):

  • As far as possible, the practice of work from home should be followed.
  • All persons in charge of work places shall ensure social distancing between workers through adequate distance between workers, adequate gaps between shifts staggering the lunch breaks of staff etc.
  • Staggering of work / business hours shall be followed in offices, work places, shops, markets and industrial and commercial establishments.
  • Provision for thermal scanning, hand wash and sanitizer will be made at all entry and exit points and common areas.
  • Frequent sanitization of entire workplace, common facilities and all points which come into human contact eg. door handles etc. shall be ensured, including between shifts.
  • All employers shall encourage and motivate their employees to install, and use, on their mobile phones, Arogya Setu for common and personal safety.
  • Intensive communication and training on good hygiene practices shall be taken up.

The District Magistrate and other authorized officers shall enforce Common Safety Prescriptions, as stated above, through fines and penal action as prescribed in the Disaster Management Act, 2005 / The Rajasthan Epidemic Diseases Ordinance, 2020.

3. Safety Advisory for Vulnerable Persons:

  • The following segments of the population are classified as Vulnerable People during Covid-19 prevalent conditions:
    • Persons aged 65 and above
    • Persons suffering from Chronic diseases and from co-morbid conditions
    • Pregnant women
    • Children below 10 years
  • Such persons are strongly advised to stay at home and move out only for essential and health purposes.
  • Out of home, it is most essential that they exercise utmost safety precautions as specified.


E1. Permitted Activities WITH Specific Restrictions / Safety Precautions:

The following activities shall be permitted with restrictions as stated below:

  • All shops can be open but with the following restrictions:
    • No sale shall be made by the shopkeeper to any customer who is not wearing a mask.
    • Shops will ensure that not more than 2 customers, in a small shop, and not more than 5 customers in a large shop, shall be permitted within at any one point of time with social distancing (six feet distance). Others are to wait their turn in queue outside, with social distancing ensured. Any violation of above conditions shall result in sealing of shop and fine or legal action.
  • Barber shops, salons, beauty parlours etc. with complete safety precautions, disinfection and sanitization after service of each customer.
  • Selling of food items through shops / stalls / thelas / kiosks, including juice, tea, chaat etc. However, these would be required to adhere to the following conditions:
    • (a) maintain the required standards of cleanliness, hygiene and garbage disposal.
    • (b) maintain social distancing and other safety precautions prescribed. No gathering of persons shall be permissible.
    • (c) The municipal authorities in particular shall ensure the compliance of these conditions.
  • Parks / Community Parks can be opened with the following conditions
    • (a) Main gates be kept open to ensure contactless entry of persons.
    • (b) All touch / contact related activities inside the park will be closed / covered to ensure that they are not used – like open gyms / swings etc.
    • (c) The restrictions on places of Worship, if any inside the Park, shall continue to remain in force.
    • (d) Strict social distancing shall be maintained of at least 6 feet from each person.
    • (e) The authorities in charge of the park shall be held accountable for ensuring compliance of the conditions.
  • Marriage related gathering with following conditions on the Organizer:
    • (a) shall give prior information to SDM
    • (b) ensure social distancing during the function
    • (c) maximum number of guests allowed shall not be more than 50.
    • Violation of any of the above conditions is an offence and punishable with heavy fine.
  • Funerals / last rites related gatherings shall ensure social distancing, and the maximum number of persons allowed shall not be more than 20.

E2. All Other Permitted Activities:

  • Except for those activities in the Negative List stated in Part C above, and the permitted activities with specific restrictions, as per 1 above, all others can be open / operate, unless specifically prohibited under any law, order or regulation etc.
  • All Government offices will function with full strength.
  • Private offices can also operate with up to full strength. However, they may encourage “work-from-home” to the extent possible.

There is no need for any separate permission for any of above permitted activity in E1 & E2.


  • There shall be no restriction on inter-State and within State movement of persons and goods. No separate permission / approval /permit / pass shall be required for such movement.
  • All commercial passenger transport vehicles – bus, taxi, cab aggregators (OLA/ Uber etc.) auto rickshaw, cycle rickshaw – are also permitted to ply subject ensuring proper sanitization of the seats and touch points before and after each journey and other safety precautions prescribed.
  • The passengers travelling in any vehicle (personal or commercial) shall not exceed the permitted seating capacity of the registered vehicle.
  • Plying of buses inter-State and within the State on approved routes, except for the Containment Zones, is permitted,. However, the Bus operator shall be held accountable for ensuring that all prescribed safety measures, including sanitization of contact points on entry / exit of passengers and full sanitization of the bus before / after the journey is ensured.
  • City buses shall not ply till further orders.
  • Movement by passenger trains and shramik special trains, domestic passenger air travel etc. will continue to be regulated by the SOPs issued by MHA.


  • Schools, Colleges and other educational institutions that are conducting online learning classes shall, in their teaching, necessarily incorporate the advice to students on the key personal safety measures required for combating COVID-19 as part of daily personal habit.
  • The students be also encouraged to disseminate these personal and social habits within their family as well as others
  • NGOs, other voluntary and community or other organizations and associations are also encouraged to take this matter up in all earnest for disseminating this message.
  • District administration should also enlist volunteers who may assist in educating the public at vantage places and in ensuring social distancing as well as wearing of face masks / cover.

Updates: Additional Permitted Activities after 01 June in Lockdown 5.0

Permitted Activities from 8th June 2020

1. Hotels and other Hospitality Services


  1. They will be required to follow the SOP on preventive measures in Hotels and Other Hospitality Units to contain spread of COVID-19 dated June 4, 2020 issued by Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (MOHFW), Govt. of India.

2. Restaurants and Clubs


  1. They will be required to follow the SOP on preventive measures in Restaurants to contain spread of COVID-19 dated June 4, 2020 issued by MOHFW, Govt. of India.
  2. Table seating arrangements will ensure a distance of at least 6 feet between them.
  3. Fast Food restaurants, with standing table arrangement, will ensure a distance of at least 8 feet between tables and not more than 2 guests on a table.

3. Shopping Malls


  1. They will be required to follow the SOP on preventive measures in Shopping Malls to contain spread of COVID-19 dated June 4, 2020 issued by MOHFW, Govt. of India.

Other Additional Permitted Activities:

Central Home Ministry guidelines on Lockdown 5 | Unlock 1

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  • Lockdown 5 in Rajasthan – Guidelines by Department of Home: Download PDF – English | Hindi

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Lockdown 5 in Rajasthan | Lockdown 5 in Rajasthan

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