Information Technology Initiatives of Rajasthan Government 

Information Technology Initiatives by Rajasthan Government

In 2002, the department of Information Technology was rebranded as department of Information Technology & Communication (DoITC) in Rajasthan. DoITC aims to leverage Information & Communication Technology (ICT) for improving governance,  employment opportunities, bridging the socio-economic inequalities and improving the quality of life of citizen of the state. This posts looks at various Information Technology Initiatives taken by Rajasthan Government:

UID (Aadhar):

  • Under Government of India’s project, a 12 digit number is being provided to all the citizens which is referred as Unique Identity Number.
  • This number is used to easily avail all the services provided by the Government.
  • Department of Information Technology & Communication, Government of Rajasthan has been appointed as the registrar for the project.
  • Approximately, 7 crore registrations have been done upto March, 2019.

Rajasthan Startup:

  • As part of State Government’s mandate to give a thrust to the state’s Startup sector, several initiatives have been implemented.
  • The iStart Portal ( works as a single window for Startups.
  • In addition, Challenge for Change, Rajasthan Stack, QRate ranking mechanism and an incubator, iStart Nest (Jaipur, Kota and Udaipur), are also made available to the State’s Startups.
  • Foundation Stone for Incubation Centre, Jodhpur laid on July 27, 2018.
  • Techno Fund of ₹ 500 crore has been created for Startups of which ₹ 100 crore earmarked for women Startup and ₹ 50 crore for Green Startup.

Techno Hub:

  • A prolific platform to help the start-up ideas grow and evolve into an accomplished future organization.
  • World class technological facilities, digital museum, incubator and innovation facilities are under one roof. The biggest Start-ups hub in the country with a seating capacity of 700 start-ups and free plug & play, cloud server space, Rajasthan Stack, RPG, Hosting facilities to start-ups.

Challenge for Change:

  • Under this programme an opportunity is provided for youth to directly partner with the State Government.
  • Offering direct work orders worth upto ₹1 crore to youths without following the traditional tendering process. Invite solutions for various citizen- centric requirement of the Government and funds, resources provided to selected youth to work on their ideas.

Rajasthan Sampark Portal:

  • Rajasthan Sampark Portal is being used as centralized grievance redressal platform.
  • Add-on modules like – mobile app, reality check module, GIS integration and applications like advance data analytics have been developed and implemented for enhanced user experience.
  • Reality check module with Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) functionality has been integrated with Rajasthan Sampark Portal.
  • A new toll free number (181) for the CM Helpline has been activated.

Video Walls:

  • Video Walls have been setup in each Panchayat Samiti of the State for broadcast various Government initiatives and audio-video streaming of live events for the residents.

Video Conferencing:

  • Rajasthan Sampark Centers with video conferencing equipment and facility- have been established under Bharat Nirman Rajiv Gandhi Sewa Kendras at all the blocks across the State.
  • Video conferencing facility has been made available at 9000 gram panchayats.


  • Free digital training provide to 1.5 Lakh women through e-sakhi program to bridge the digital divide between the residents and various state government schemes.
  • These volunteers/Sakhi further train people from their respective village/urban areas to access digital service connecting maximum citizens in the state and ensuring that at-least one person from every rural family is made digitally literate.

Rajasthan Digikit:

  • Digital Kit is provided to all residents to equip them with basic services and enable them to avail the services of the Government digitally.
  • Digikit Includes facilities such as Single Sign On, Raj e-Sign, Raj e-Vault and RajMail (RajMail in Hindi also).
    Other Programmes

Information Technology Initiatives of Rajasthan Government


  • Integrated network solution for connectivity upto Gram Panchayats have been provided through Rajasthan State Wide Area Network (RajSWAN).
  • Under this project, room based video conference facility is being provided to District Collectorate and Block Level offices and software based VC facility at low bandwidth upto Gram Panchayat.
  • Under this Project more than 9000 sites have been prepared. IP Phones were also distributed to Gram Panchayats.

Wi-Fi facility:

  • Wi-Fi facility has been provided in all the departmental headquarters and district headquarters.
  • Wi-Fi facility has been provided to approx 50 new places and 400 Rajiv Gandhi Service Center upto March, 2019.

Geographical Information System (GIS):

  • GIS based Decision Support System is in place where 38 GIS based applications for different Departments have been hosted.
  • Work of 3D GIS Model for Jaipur has been started. 3D City Platform has been deployed in Data Center.


  • Presently more than 500 services of government departments /private organisations are being provided electronically through more than 55,250 e-mitra Kiosks to the citizens of the State.
  • Simultaneously, deposition of utility bills through mobile application has also been started.


  • eMitraPlus is a revolutionary step ahead in eService delivery. It provides the services directly, without any human interface, just as an ATM does.
  • eMitraPlus is the first of its in India.
  • One can apply for government documents like birth certificate, domicile certificate etc. and get print through in-built printer.
  • It allows multiple payment modes such as cash, debit/credit card, net banking.
  • eMitraPlus is enabled with Video conferencing facility to residents for registering their feedback and problems directly to the officials. These Kiosks are available at rural and urban areas of the state. More than 13000 eMitraPlus Kiosks has been installed.


  • It is a payment facility for individual/firms, which can be used by any organization as plug-in for disbursement of payment.

Digitally Signed Certificates:

  • The facility to make available legally valid digitally signed certificates has been launched.
  • The certificates can be applied for and obtained through Internet from home/single window/kiosk.
  • Every month approximately 1.5 Lakh Digitally Signed Certificates are being issued. Certificate like caste, income, solvency are being issued through this facility.
  • The application is being enhanced to issue digitally signed other certificates, licenses etc.

State Portal:

  • Single source of information/transactional governmental services for citizens, government users, businesses and overseas people. It links up with all departmental web portals.

eSanchar & iFact:

  • eSanchar is an application that can be linked with any departmental application for sending event based notifications to applicants/beneficiaries as well as officials through S.M.S/Voice Message/ Structure queries.
  • iFact is being used through Rajasthan Sampark for Reality Check.

State Master Centralised Data Hub:

  • Master data hub to provide all types of master data required by client applications of various departments.
  • It contains varied data ranging from geographical hierarchies to various kind of master data being used in departmental applications.

Rajasthan Knowledge Corporation Limited (RKCL):

  • RKCL has been set up in the State with an aim to provide IT education in remote rural areas of the State thus bridging the digital divide and providing a solution to the last mile connectivity issue.
  • RKCL’s ‘RS-CIT’ has been approved by Government of Rajasthan and after due approval of the Government orders for reimbursement of fees to Government employees have also been issued.

Information Technology Initiatives of Rajasthan Government

State Data Centre (SDC):

  • State Data Centre provides effective electronics service delivery of various services, to enable various state departments and enterprises to host their services / application on a common infrastructure.

Hindi e-mail:


  • Citizens can upload useful videos (.mp4 format) to the RajBIOSCOPE portal which are available for public viewing.

Rajasthan Recruitment Portal:

  • It is a single platform for recruitments of Government of Rajasthan. Applicant can apply online from any part of the country.

Single Sign On (SSO):

  • All the departmental applications would use single user manager. This will enable all the functionaries to access multiple applications after signing only once. All departmental applications can link to SSO.

Raj eVault:

  • It provides a secure eSpace to residents and organizations, enabling them to store documents along with Meta Data for validations. Raj e-vault is integrated with Pehchan, Bhamashah and e-mitra.

Raj App Center:

  • This platform has been established for Operating System (OS), independent mobile application development, deployment and management. Application such as SIPF, eMitra, App Status Rajasthan, ePDS, Bhamashah, RajApp Center, Raj Mandi, Some Facts About Rajasthan(Statistical Year Book), LITES, eMitra MicroATM, Raj eSign (QR Code), RajSampark, Raj Weaver, Rajnet, MJSA, Raj-eGyan, DOP, Revenue Court App(RCMS), Case Darpan, RajArtisan, CM App, Senior Citizen Security App and District KPIs, Mobile Games have been developed and deployed.

Command & Control Center (ABHAY):

  • Command and Control Centre for integrated solution on GPS and CCTV based security have been set up at 7 divisional headquarters and 14 districts (Nagaur, Baran, Sirohi, Dungarpur, Jalore, Jaisalmer, Jhunjhunu, Dausa, Barmer, Bhilwara, Shri Ganganagar, Karauli, Dholpur, Pratapgarh). Work in rest districts is in progress.
  • This project covers:-
    • Video Surveillance System
    • Dial 100 Control System
    • Forensic Investigation System
    • Intelligent Traffic Management System Ø Vehicle Tracking System
    • Geographical Information System

Artificial Intelligence (AI) related projects:

DoIT&C has initiated work in the field of Big Data,Analytics and Artificial Intelligence in the following areas:

  • Revenue Intelligence & Analytics for State Revenue Departments, with the primary objective to identify opportunities to enhance revenue for the state, across tax Collections, Property Registrations, Excise Collections etc. Various Revenue Departments are using the data analytics stack to detect potential revenue leakages and fraud.
  • Departmental Dashboards & Text Analytics is being utilized by state departments for reporting across various Key Performance Indicators that are relevant to the department.
  • Data Lake on Hadoop: This data-lake has been envisaged as a solution where state data is available for on-demand analysis for departments of the state.
  • Face Recognition: To recognize individual faces after comparing it with millions of faces in the stored database and to fetch related information from the database.
  • Audio Analytics: To gauge the quality of service being rendered by the call centre (181) agents and satisfaction level of callers.
  • RajBOT : The project has been envisaged for establishment of a platform for engagement of the citizens with the State Government, by improving the speed and effectiveness of the interaction. To enhance the citizens’ experience in interaction with government, Robots are being trained to mimick human conversation, for interactive and intuitive communication with citizens in real time.
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