Indian Railways has launched an insurance scheme for passengers traveling on e- ticket. The insurance cover will be upto 10 lakh rupees.
Key provisions of insurance scheme:
- The scheme offers travelers or nominees a compensation of 10 lakh Rupees in the event of death or total disability, 7.5 lakh Rupees for partial disability.
- Besides it will pay up to 2 lakh Rupees for hospitalization expenses and 10,000 rupees for transportation of mortal remains from the place of a train accident.
- Person booking a train ticket through the IRCTC website will be eligible for the travel insurance and it is optional.
- To avail the facility, train passengers have to pay 92 paisa premium.
- The insurance cover will not be applicable for children up to 5 years of age and foreign citizens.
- The facility will be available only for confirmed and RAC ticket passengers.