
Personality: Concept & Definitions

In popular usage, the word personality is something akin to attractiveness, charm of charisma.  It  generally refers to the physical or external appearance of an individual and is often understood in terms of social attractiveness. The literal meaning of personality is derived from the Latin word persona, the mask used by actors in the Roman […]

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Howard Gardner: Theory of Multiple Intelligences

Theory of multiple intelligences by Howard Garner

Howard Gardner claimed that most previous conceptualisations of intelligence had been too narrowly based. He argued that evidence from several different sources (e.g. cross-cultural accounts of cognition, studies of exceptional groups, psychometric data, and psychological training studies) pointed to the existence of several intelligences. According to Gardner, intelligence is much more than IQ because a

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Different Types of Intelligence Theory

In the previous article we had discussed the basic concept and definitions of Intelligence. This article summarises the different theories of intelligence postulated by different researchers to explain the nature of intelligence. Let’s start with the first intelligence theory: Uni or one factor theory As mentioned in Concept & Definitions of Intelligence, Alfred Binet was

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Rajasthan Tenancy Act 1955

RAS Mains Rajasthan Tenancy Act 1955

In 1955, a comprehensive legislation was passed to bring uniformity in the tenancy legislation, which is known as the Rajasthan Tenancy Act 1955. The Act received the assent of the President on the 14th Day of March, 1955 and came into force with effect from 15th October 1955. In Tehsils Abu, Amer and Sunel, this

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