Cashless Challan Scheme

The Jaipur Police are planning to implement `cashless challan scheme‘, where people would be able to pay their fine online.  `Cashless challan scheme’ is part of the city police’s drive to digitize policing in the city. “For now, this scheme is operational only in a few cities in the country , like Hyderabad, where challans can be processed online.screen-shot-2016-10-26-at-10-21-25-am

Currently, the challan process is highly centralized where Challans are to be paid at the district headquarters only. Aa result, people have to wait several hours to pay their fine.

The Jaipur Police Department is coming up with a website where citizen can pay the fine using your debit cards. For people who do not have access to internet, they can do the same by going to nearest e-mitra kendra.

However, there might charge service charge of 10 or 20 rupees.

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