10 Must-Follow Tips to Crack CLAT 2020

How to Crack CLAT 2020

If you aspire to become a lawyer, you are in the right place. To begin your journey of becoming a lawyer from any of the National Law Universities, you must pass the entrance test – Common Law Admission Test (CLAT) 2020 conducted by NLSIU.

Preparing for CLAT might seem like a long and tedious process but a sound preparation plan shall lead to desired results of getting into your favourite NLU. Hard work and consistency complemented with timely strategic planning is your gateway to get success in CLAT 2020. To guide you through it, we have mentioned ten must-follow tips to clear CLAT 2020.

1- Understand the syllabus and the exam pattern

A clear understanding of the syllabus is highly crucial as it prevents wasteful efforts in reading unrelated topics and keeps your focus aligned to the exam expectations from day one. The CLAT 2020 syllabus also provides insight into the exam pattern and kind of questions to be expected in the paper.

Recently, the Consortium of National Law Universities (the “Consortium”) released few changes in the exam pattern for CLAT 2020 exam. Reduction in the number of questions, type of questions asked is a few changes among others. You should go through the syllabus and exam pattern thoroughly to avoid any confusion.

2-  Prepare a timeline for your preparation

Once you begin your law entrance exam preparation, you should make a timeline for completion of the syllabus and revision. It will ensure that you do not miss any topic and devote adequate time to each section.

Also, prepare a daily schedule and follow it religiously. If you are preparing for CLAT 2020 along with your school boards exam, making a proper schedule will prevent chaos, and if you are standalone preparing for the law entrance exam, a daily planner will help you spend your time productively.

3- Choose your study sources and booklist wisely

      Your entire preparation for CLAT 2020 depends on how qualitative and concise your study sources are. Do not accumulate unnecessary books, keep your sources limited and revise them numerous times. Make sure the focus should be on quality and not quantity. 

4-    Refer to previous year papers

The best way to achieve your goal of qualifying the exam is to hear straight from the horse’s mouth, i.e. the NLU Consortium. Refer to the previous year papers to get a better understanding of the syllabus and exam pattern. Consortium also provides various resources to help the candidates’ preparation for UG-CLAT 2020 like question paper guides and sample papers, model test papers, and introduction material and exercises for every subject in the examination.

5-    Read the newspaper every day

      The CLAT exam comprises current affair questions and comprehension-based questions which require regular reading of the newspaper. It helps you maintain and update your current affairs notes regularly and enhances your reading and vocabulary skills for the English section. The recent change in the exam has shifted the exam pattern from direct questions to comprehension based questions; thus, continuous reading of the newspaper will add value to your preparation.

6-  Regular Revision

     Regular and quality revision of your entire syllabus will set you apart from the competition as it will provide you with better conceptual clarity and retention. The CLAT 2020 syllabus is extremely lengthy hence regular, and numerous revision will help you better memorise and implement the concepts consequently better results.

7-  Practice Mock Tests

Students aspiring to get admission to NLUs often make a mistake while preparing for CLAT to procrastinate practising with mock tests. Now since the exam will be conducted online, it is more critical to practice test series and get accustomed to the exam pattern. CLAT Test Series also gives you a structured revision and analysis of your exam preparedness.

8-  Don’t ignore any section

Students often focus more on challenging subjects and ignore sections like English which they consider more manageable. It is advisable that you divide your time judiciously across all the sections of the syllabus to maximise your score.Focus equally on all the parts of the syllabus to prevent falling out of the competition.

9-      Make smaller and achievable goals every day

Prepare smaller study targets every day as it helps you sustain the motivation in preparation for a longer time. Small wins beget confidence hence ensuring quality studies till the end of your preparation. This trick will enhance your daily academic productivity resulting in an assured positive result in CLAT 2020.

10-   Be a marathon runner

Expert marathon runners often suggest taking smaller breaks to save full energy in the last lap of the race. Take a lesson from them and give yourself sufficient breaks during studying. You do not want to be exhausted after a short period as CLAT preparation is a long journey. Take breaks, study hard and keep the consistency going to ensure that you get your dream college.

Happy Reading!

This is Guest post by Vikas from Leverage Edu. The content and views are of Author, RajRAS is not responsible in any manner.

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