1 April 2024

Ras mains answer writing practice

1 April 2024 RAS Mains answer writing

Subject – Rajasthan History

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Write the Significance of Bijoliya Inscription (2 M)

Bijolia ia a Rock inscription from 1170 CE, written in sanskrit, Located near the ancient Parshvanath temple in Bijolia, of Someshwar Chauhan, Installed by jain Sharavak Lolak (vha bhi ese hi comma lgakr likhna h jab facts jyada ho and space kam ho.)


  1. Chauhan of Ajmer and Sambhar has been described as ‘Vatsa Gotriya Brahmin’.
  2. Information about the then Land Grants i.e., Dohli
  3. Information of names of ancient places i.e., Jabilpur(jalor), Shakhambri(Sambhar), Dehlika(Delhi), Bijoliya (Utmadri).
Briefly describe the political and cultural achievements of Rana Kumbha. (5M)

Maharana Kumbha was not only brave (Hindu surtan), and adept in warfare (rajguru,halguru,chapguru) but also a patron of scholars and artisans (Abhinav Bhattacharya).

Political achievements:

  • He was called Hindu Surtran because he was supreme among all Rajputana rulers.
  • He was called Chhapguru(expert in guerilla warfare), and Haalguru(lord of hill forts).
  • The Treaty of Awal-Bawal(1453) shows his diplomatic skills.
  • The sultan of Delhi and the sultan of Gujrat gave him the title of Hindu surtan.
  • He got 32 forts constructed among the 84 forts of Mewar according to poet Shyamaldas.i.e., Sirohi Fort (safeguards of western frontier),Machan fort (security from Mer).

Cultural achievements:

  • Rana Kumbha is called the ‘father of Rajasthan architecture.’
  • The architecture of temples has great importance in the architecture of Kumbha period Eg.Kumbhaswamy and Shringarachauri temples (Chittor), Meera temple (Eklingji), Ranakpur temple.
  • It is known from Ekalingamahatmya that he was very adept in Vedas, Smriti, Mimamsa, Upanishads, grammar, politics and literature.
  • Sangeetraj, Sangeetmimansa and Soodprabandh were the music books written by him.
  • His title Abhinav Bharatacharya (adept in the art of music) proves that he was a great musician himself.

Many Rajput dynasties came into existence after the downfall of the Guptas which had their separate         politico-administrative structures continued till the integration of Rajasthan. The administrative system was based on a feudal system where the king was first among equals. The feudal system here was not based on a hierarchical system but like a tent in which the king was the main pillar

Write a short note on the administrative and revenue system of medieval Rajasthan. (10M)

Many Rajput dynasties came into existence after the downfall of the Guptas which had their separate politico-administrative structures continued till the integration of Rajasthan. The administrative system was based on a feudal system where the king was first among equals. The feudal system here was not based on a hierarchical system but like a tent in which the king was the main pillar.

Administrative system:

It was divided into 3 parts.

  • Central administration:
    1. king was the focal point of the entire administration, and used to make his decisions by consulting the council of ministers (COM), chieftains, etc
    2. Prince: most important place after the king.
    3. Pradhan: head of the COM.
    4. Bakshi: head of the military department.
    5. Mutsaddi class: these were like bureaucrats
  • Provincial administration:
    1. In the state structure, divisions were established known as Mandals, overseen by officers termed Mandaliks. These Mandals were then subdivided into Vishyas, and within them, Vishyas were further organized into Pathaks/Khetaks. Beneath this administrative tier, groups of villages were overseen by leaders known as Gramaptis.
    2. Within the paragana, two distinct types of officers held authority:
    3. HAKIM: Heading the judicial department of the paragana.
    4. FAUJDAR: Tasked with upholding law and order within the paragana.
  • Village administration:
    1. At the smallest unit of governance, the village (Moje) operated under the administration of a body known as Panchkula, typically composed of five or more individuals. Within the Panchkula, one or two officials represented the state, known as Karniks.
    2. Resolving disputes at the village level fell under the jurisdiction of two bodies: the village panchayat and the caste panchayat. Their rulings were officially recognized by the state.
    3. Key officials at the village level included the Patwari, responsible for revenue collection and land records, and the Kanwari, among others.

Revenue system:

  • In the land revenue system, alongside the military and judicial structures, the Samant held a significant role. Land was categorized into two parts: Khalsa and Jageer.
    • Khalsa: This referred to land where the king’s personnel directly collected land revenue.
    • Jageer: Jageer encompassed various types:
      • Feudal Jageer: Inherited by birth, revenue was collected by feudal lords.
      • Hukumat Jageer: Assigned to bureaucrats (Mutsaddis) in exchange for a salary, with no hereditary rights.
      • Bhaum Jageer: Tax-free land granted to ‘bhaumias’.
      • Sasan Jageer: Tax-free land granted to Charan-Bhats for charitable, educational, and literary purposes.
  • Revenue Fixation: Land revenue, also known as Lagaan, Bhog, or Hasil, was typically set at 1/6th of the grain produced. Determining factors included the nature of land, the market price of crops, productivity potential, and the caste of the peasant. Patel or Chaudhary played key roles in determining and collecting rent.
  • Methods of Revenue Collection:
    • Lata Method: Crop harvested under the supervision of Lata/Batai Method Recovery Officer, weighed, and revenue collected.
    • Kunta Method: Estimation based on the standing crop, without weighing or measuring.
    • Mukata: Lump sum assessment of revenue.
    • Ghugri: Determined based on seeds provided by the state.
    • Bighori: Assessment based on Bigha measurements.

Through its diverse revenue collection methods and hierarchical administrative structures, the medieval system exemplified the intersection of governance, economy, and social hierarchy, shaping the landscape of power and authority in feudal societies.

निम्नलिखित अवतरण का उपयुक्त शीर्षक देते हुए लगभग एक-तिहाई शब्दों में संक्षेपण कीजिए – [10 Marks]
यदि पशुबल का ही नाम बल है, तो निश्चय ही नारी में पुरुष की अपेक्षा कम पशुत्व है। लेकिन अगर बल का अर्थ नैतिक बल है, तो उस में वह पुरुष की अपेक्षा इतनी अधि क महान् है कि जि सका को ई ना प नहीं हो सकता। यदि अहिंसा मानव-जाति का धर्म है, तो अब मानव-जाति के भविष्य की निर्मात्री नारी बनने वाली है। मानव के हृदय पर नारी से बढ़कर प्रभाव और किसका है? यह तो पुरुष ने नारी कीआत्मा को कुचल रखा है। यदि उसने भी पुरुष की भोग-लालसा के सामने अपने-आप को समर्पित कर दिया होता, तो सोई हुई शक्ति के इस अथाह भण्डार के दर्शन का अवसर संसार को मिल जाता। अब भी उसके चमत्कारपूर्ण वैभव का दर्शन हो सकेगा, जब नारी को संसार में पुरुष के ही समान अवसर मिलने लगेगा और पुरुष तथा ना री दोनों मिलकर परस्पर सहयोग करते हुए आगे बढ़ेंगे।(150 शब्द)

शीर्षक- “नारी की महत्ता ”

संक्षिप्तिकरण – नारी में पुरुष की अपेक्षा कम पशुत्व है और उसका नैतिक बल अपरिमेय है। मानव-जाति के अहिंसात्मक भविष्य की निर्मात्री और प्रभावशाली होते हुए भी पुरुष नारी का महत्त्व नहीं समझता। पुरुष की तरह भोग-लालसा के लिए समर्पित होती तो नारी शक्ति का अथाह भण्डार है। जब दोनों समान अवसर और परस्पर सहयोग से आगे बढ़ेंगे तब ही उसके चमत्कारपूर्ण वैभव के दर्शन हो सकते हैं।(50 शब्द)

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