Menstrual Hygiene Scheme for Girls and Women

Special and targeted efforts are required to generate community awareness, sensitize men and boys, and create an enabling environment for women and girls to manage menstrual health with adequate knowledge, safety, dignity and without stigma. For improving the Menstrual Hygiene status among girls and women government has started following activities:

  • Celebration of International Menstrual Hygiene Day (28 May) at state and district level.
  • Awareness and Education on MHM of different stakeholders through different existing platforms like SHGs, Special Sathin Jajams NYKS, NSS, NCC, Chirali Samooh (in 7 Chirali districts) and through platforms of Scheme for Adolescent Girls (SAG), RKSK and Swachh Bharat Mission (G).
  • Mobilize SHGs to initiate campaigns on MHM through rallies, nukkad nataks, community radio, competitions etc.
  • Organize Quarterly ‘Chuppi Todo’ Diwas at the GP level for awareness on MHM
  •  Integrate and strengthen training and awareness on MHM during Adolescent Health Day organized under RKSK at village/GP level
  • Mainstreaming MHM in different training curriculums such as that of elected public representatives (PRI members), One Stop Centre staff, and management staff of Shelter Homes, Nari Niketan and Children’s Homes.
  • Promote distribution of absorbents through vending machines and safe disposal of used absorbents through innovative technologies in collaboration with CSR funds
  • Research on various models of production of high quality and low cost absorbents and techniques of safe disposal of used absorbents.

The nodal department for the implementation of the Scheme is Directorate of Women and Child Development (DWCD), which ensure convergence and coordination between line departments including Department of Medical Health and Family Welfare (DMHFW), Department of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj (Swachh Bharat Mission Gramin), and Education Department to utilize existing platforms and resources.

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