Unlock 6 in Rajasthan: Guidelines for November 2020

Guidelines for Unlock 6 in Rajasthan for November 2020

As Unlock 5.0 came to an end on 31st October 2020, the Union Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) released guidelines for November 2020 on 28th October. Consequently, on 01st November, Department of Home, Government of Rajasthan released detailed guidelines & implementation order for Unlock 6 in Rajasthan.

Period of Unlock 6 in Rajasthan

These guidelines w.r.t Unlock 6 in Rajasthan would be valid for the period from 1st November to 30th November 2020.


  • Lockdown shall remain in force in the Containment Zones till 30th November, 2020.
  • Containment Zones shall be demarcated and notified by the District Collector & District Magistrate concerned at the micro level after taking into consideration the guidelines of MHA/Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (MoHFW) with the objective of effectively breaking the chain of transmission. Strict containment measures will be enforced in these Containment Zones and only essential activities will be allowed. There shall be strict perimeter control to ensure that there is no movement of people in or out of these zones, except for medical emergencies and for maintaining the supply of essential goods and services. In the Containment Zones, there shall be intensive contact tracing, house-to-house surveillance, and other clinical interventions, as required.
  • Prohibitory orders under Section 144 Cr.P.C will be issued by the concerned district authority.
  • These Containment Zones will be notified on the websites by the District Collector & District Magistrate concerned and information will be shared with MOHFW.
  • The District Authorities shall not impose any local lockdown (District/ sub-division/City/ village level), outside the containment zones, without prior permission of GoI.

No relaxations of any kind shall be permitted in the Containment Zones.


During re-opening period, in areas outside the Containment Zones, All activities will be permitted, except the following:

(i) The State Government has decided that Schools, colleges, educational and coaching institutions will remain closed for students and regular classes activity till 16th November, 2020. However, following will be permitted:

    • a. Online/ distance learning shall continue to be permitted and shall be encouraged.
  • b. 50% of teaching and non-teaching staff to be called to the schools at the time for online teaching/ tele-counselling and related work, as per the SoP issued by MoHFW.
  • c. Students of classes 9 to 12 are permitted to visit their schools, in the areas outside the Containment Zones only, on voluntary basis, for taking guidance from their teachers. This will be subject to written consent of their parents/ guardians and will be permitted as per SoP issued by MoHFW.

However, State Government will take a decision in respect of opening Schools and Coaching institutions in a graded manner. The decision shall be taken in consultation with the respective school/ institution management, based on their assessment of the situation, and subject to the following conditions:

  • a. Online/ distance learning shall continue to be the preferred mode of teaching and shall be encouraged.
  • b. Where schools are conducting online classes, and some students prefer to attend online classes rather than physically attend school, they may be permitted to do so.
  • c. Students may attend schools/ institutions only with the written consent of parents.
  • d. Attendance may not be enforced, and must depend entirely on parental consent.
  • e. State will issue SOP regarding health & safety precautions for re-opening of schools/ institutions.
  • f. Schools, which are allowed to open, will have to mandatorily follow the SOP issued by the State.

(ii) Higher Education Institutions only for research scholars (Ph.D.) and post-graduate students in science and technology stream requiring laboratory/ experimental works will be permitted to open from 15th October, 2020 as under:

  1. For Centrally Funded Higher Education Institutions, the Head of Institution will satisfy herself/ himself that there is a genuine requirement of research scholars (Ph.D) and postgraduate students in science and technology stream for laboratory, experimental works
  2. For all other Higher Education Institutions e.g. State Universities, Private Universities etc., they may open only for research scholars (Ph.D) and post-graduate students in science and technology stream requiring laboratory/ experimental works as per decision taken by State government.

(iii) Swimming pools, Cinema halls/ theatres/ multiplexes, Entertainment parks and similar places will remain closed for activities till 30th November 2020.

(iv) International air travel of passengers, except as permitted by МНА.

(v) Social/ political sports/ entertainment/ academic /cultural/ religious functions and other large congregations will not be permitted till 30th November, 2020. However, the following will continue to be permitted in areas outside the Containment Zones:

  1. Marriage related gathering:
    Where the organiser shall:
    1. Give prior information to the concerned Sub-Divisional Magistrate.
    2. Ensure social distancing during the function
    3. Ensure mandatory wearing of Face masks. ‘No Mask No Entry’ will be strictly followed.
    4. Ensure Screening & Hygiene: Provision for thermal scanning, hand wash and sanitizer will be made at all entry and exit points and common area.
    5. Ensure Frequent sanitization of common facilities and all points which come into human contact e.g. railings, door handles etc.
    6. ensure that the maximum number of guests allowed shall not be more than 100.
  2. Funerals/last rites related gatherings with mandatory wearing of face masks, social distancing provision for hand wash or sanitizer. The maximum number of persons allowed shall not be more than 20.

However, if any Person/Institution/Organisation makes an application to the District Collector & District Magistrate for any Public/General function along with a seating plan, the District Collector & District Magistrate on being satisfied may issue permission for organising the function subject to the following conditions: The organizer shall:

  1. Ensure that the maximum number of guests allowed shall not be
    • a. In closed spaces, a maximum of 50% of hall capacity will be allowed, with a ceiling of 200 persons.
    • b. In open spaces, keeping the size of the ground/space in view with a ceiling of 250 persons. Each person shall maintain a distance of 6 feet (do gaz ki doori).
  2. Ensure social distancing during the function.
  3. Ensure mandatory wearing of face masks. ‘No Mask No Entry will be strictly followed.
  4. Ensure Screening & Hygiene: Provision for thermal scanning, hand wash and sanitizer will be made at all entry and exit points and common areas.
  5. Ensure Frequent sanitization of seats, common facilities and all common points which come into human contact such as railings, door handles, common surfaces, floors, etc.

Violation of any of the above conditions is an offence and punishable with heavy fine.

C. PERMITTED ACTIVITIES outside Containment Zones

All activities permitted vide Order of even number dated May 31st, 2020 and Addendum dated June 6th, 2020, 30th June, 2020 and 30th July, 2020, addendum dated 27th August, 2020 and 30th, August 2020 and addendums dated 20th, August 2020 and 23rd, August 2020 and 30th September 2020 that is not in the negative list/prohibited activities category, shall continue to remain permitted with the restrictions/ precautions specified in those orders.


The following standard SAFETY precautions and restrictions shall remain applicable for all areas and all districts:

D1. In Public Places: 

The following precautions, being essential for public safety, are mandatory and violation of the same shall be punishable with fine.

  • Wearing of face cover is compulsory in all public and work places and public transport.
  • Spitting in public & work places is prohibited.
  • Social distancing (minimum 6 feet – “do gaz ki doori”) shall be followed by all persons in public places.
  • Consumption of liquor, paan, gutka, tobacco etc. in public place is strictly prohibited.
  • All persons are advised to wash hands with soap & water / use sanitizer after touching any surface that is in public contact.

D2. At Work Places

In addition to 1 above, the following additional safety precautions are prescribed for WORK PLACES (Offices, Establishments, Factories, Shops etc.):

  • As far as possible, the practice of work from home should be followed.
  • All persons in charge of work places shall ensure social distancing between workers through adequate distance between workers, adequate gaps between shifts staggering the lunch breaks of staff etc.
  • Staggering of work / business hours shall be followed in offices, work places, shops, markets and industrial and commercial establishments.
  • Provision for thermal scanning, hand wash and sanitizer will be made at all entry and exit points and common areas.
  • Frequent sanitization of entire workplace, common facilities and all points which come into human contact eg. door handles etc. shall be ensured, including between shifts.
  • All employers shall encourage and motivate their employees to install, and use, on their mobile phones, Arogya Setu for common and personal safety.
  • Intensive communication and training on good hygiene practices shall be taken up.

The District Magistrate and other authorized officers shall enforce Common Safety Prescriptions, as stated above, through fines and penal action as prescribed in the Disaster Management Act, 2005 / The Rajasthan Epidemic Diseases Ordinance, 2020.

D3. Shops

In addition to 1 and 2 above, adequate physical distancing among customers will be ensured in the shops. ‘No Mask No Service’ i.e. No sale shall be made by the shopkeeper to any customer who is not wearing a Face Mask.

D4. Safety Advisory for Vulnerable Persons:

  • The following segments of the population are classified as Vulnerable People during Covid-19 prevalent conditions:
    • Persons aged 65 and above
    • Persons suffering from Chronic diseases and from co-morbid conditions
    • Pregnant women
    • Children below 10 years
  • Such persons are strongly advised to stay at home and move out only for essential and health purposes.
  • Out of home, it is most essential that they exercise utmost safety precautions as specified.


  • There shall be no restriction on inter-State and within State movement of persons and goods. 
  • All commercial passenger transport vehicles – bus, taxi, cab aggregators (OLA/ Uber etc.) auto rickshaw, cycle rickshaw – are also permitted to ply subject ensuring proper sanitization of the seats and touch points before and after each journey and other safety precautions prescribed.
  • Public (City) transport as permitted by order dated 22 July. (English Order | Hindi Order)
  • Metro Rail will be allowed to operate as per SoP issued by MoHUA.
  • The passengers travelling in any vehicle (personal or commercial) shall not exceed the permitted seating capacity of the registered vehicle.
  • Movement by passenger trains and shramik special trains, domestic passenger air travel etc. will continue to be regulated by the SOPs issued by MHA.


Important Notice:

This is not a government or official website. This is private information site, where information has been provided for benefit of people. We have made all efforts to provide genuine information & only government sites have been used for reference. However, users are requested to first check and act only on information provided by official sites. 

Note: the government websites, official website all have .gov.in or .nic.in at the end of their address. 

Unlock 6 in Rajasthan | Unlock 6 in Rajasthan | Unlock 6 in Rajasthan |

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