Three-Level Public Lockdown Till 8 June 2021 in Rajasthan

Lockdown June 2021 Rajasthan

The State Government has decided today to extend the Three-Level Public Lockdown till 8 June 2021 in Rajasthan. As per the CMO release, the state may allow some relaxations in commercial activities from 01 June 2021 in districts where the COVID-19 situation will improve significantly. On Saturday, the review meeting of the council of ministers and experts had suggested extending the lockdown to contain the spread of the coronavirus in Rajasthan.


What is the three-Level lockdown ?

The three-level lockdown is being implemented to enforce Covid appropriate behaviour at three different levels.

  • At the first, people should not allow outsiders into their houses in order to keep children and the elders safe. It also advised that if necessary, open spaces should be used for meeting other people by following Covid-19 protocols.
  • The second level involves the monitoring at the locality and village levels, wherein not more than five people would be allowed to gather.
  • Under the third level of restrictions, traffic from one city to another and from one village to another and between cities and villages would be completely banned.

However, all medical emergencies and other permissible categories would be allowed. The chief minister also asked the village level monitoring committees to step up their roles in ensuring the restrictions under this tier.


  • Three-level Public Lockdown has been extended from 24th May 2021 to 8 June 2021 in Rajasthan.
  • Business except, Dairy and milk shops, mandis, fruits and vegetables, flower garland shops and fruits and vegetables being sold on cycles, rickshaws, carts and mobile vans, will be closed down from Friday 28th May (12 PM) to Tuesday 1 June (5 AM) and from Friday 04 June (12 PM) to 8 June 2021(5 AM)
  • The state government also increased the fine for not wearing a face mask at public places or workplace from Rs 500 to Rs 1,000.
  • Marriage Function Related:
    • The state government has also put a ban on organising weddings till June 30.
    • Permission will be given for court marriages and to organise weddings at home with the condition that more than 11 people will not be allowed to participate in it.
    • Bus, auto, tempo, tractor, jeep etc. will not be allowed for the procession
    • The family where the wedding is being organised will have to submit details at the official web-portal or toll free helpline at 181.
    • No community feast will also be allowed during the lockdown period.
    • Marriage garden, banquet halls & hotels will be closed for wedding ceremonies.
    • The wedding venue owners, tent merchants, catering operators and band banquet players, etc., will have to return the advance booking amount to the organizer or adjust it later in the event.
  • There is an appeal to public to offer prayers, prayers and prayers at home.
  • Except medical services, all types of private and government transport such as buses, jeeps, etc. will be completely closed.
  • Except for medical emergencies and permitted categories, there will be a complete ban on all types of traffic from one district to another, from one city to another, from city to village, from village to city and from village to village.
  • It will be mandatory for travelers coming from outside the state to submit the RTPCR negative test report conducted within 72 hours. If a passenger does not submit a negative test report, it will be quarantined for 15 days.
  • Related to Labour & Industry:
    • To prevent migrant workers from returning to their native states, all industrial and construction activities will be permitted during the lockdown.
    • Concerned industrial units have to issue identity cards to such workers. They will be allowed to run special buses to transport workers. 
    • To prevent inconvenience to workers during transit, industries are advised to created self-pass on official web-portal.
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