RAS Mains 2018

Marketing: Concepts, Functions, Philosophies and Mix -4P

Marketing Mix, Ras Mains 2018

Marketing refers to the process of ascertaining consumers’ needs and supplying various goods and services to the final consumers or users to satisfy those needs. Traditional Concept of Marketing Traditionally, marketing means selling goods and services that have been produced. Thus, all those activities which are concerned with persuasion and sale of goods and services, […]

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Motivation: Types, Theories and Assessment

The concept of motivation focuses on explaining what “moves” behaviour. In fact, the term motivation is derived from the Latin word ‘movere’, referring to movement of activity. Working, studying, playing and caring are some important daily activities which are considered purposeful. Motives help explain our movement towards the chosen goals.  Hence, motivation is one of the determinants

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First-Aid in Sports

First Aid in Sports

Accidents are a common feature across all sports. No matter, how much caution players take, it is impossible to avoid accidents in sports, be it amateur level or professional level. These accidents may result in injury to players and since, there is lack of availability of medical expert, the knowledge of first-aid comes in handy. This

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