Social Aspects of Engineering – Syllabus | Notes | Study Material

Rajasthan Assistant engineer Mains Exam 2019 | Syllabus | Study Material | Notes | Social Aspects of Engineering | Social Aspects of Engineering

The scheme of Examination of Rajasthan Assistant engineer mains examination consist of two compulsory papers, of which, second paper is on Social Aspects of Engineering. This post highlights study material on the subject based upon the syllabus released by RPSC.

Syllabus of Social Aspects of Engineering Paper

  • Development Processes: Inter relationship between social, economic, scientific and technological factors for development. Development criteria; gross national product, energy consumption.
  • Rural economy, poverty, unemployment, exodus to urban areas. Land acquisition act.
  • Globalisation of Economy: World Trade Organization (W.T.O.), trade related Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS), Quality assurance, ISO certification, 5 ‘S’ Theory, Optimisation of human, capital and material resources.
  • Financing methods of infrastructure projects-BOT, PPP etc., Case studies of recent projects in Rajasthan-Refinery, IIIT, NHAI Highway, Dedicated Freight Corridor, Metro Rail Project.
  • Technology for rural and Desert Areas, Characteristic of desert areas, Thar desert, desertification and its control, sand dunes stabilisation.
  • Rural energy needs, Deforestation, Modern Solar appliances, Challenges in Solar Power and Wind Power Generation and their Connection to Grid.
  • Rural industries. Soil and water conservation, water harvesting, watershed planning. Thermal comfort aspects of housing, transport in rural and desert areas, Drought, Famine and Disaster management.
  • PMGSY Project. Right to Information act-its provisions.
  • Technology Assessment and Transfer: Criteria for assessment and selection of technology, appropriate technology concept, technology transfer and development.
  • Human Relations in Industry and Industrial Laws: Application of social sciences to industry, leadership and supervision, Labour relations, Trade unions, Salient features of Factory Act, Workmen’s Compensation Act, Minimum Wages Act. NAREGA project. Motivation. Conflict Management.
  • Project Planning, Appraisal and Feasibility: Techno economic feasibility studies, Project planning and control, Use of CPM and PERT, Fixed and variable cost, IRR (Internal Role of Return), Cost-benefit ratio, NPV (Net Present Value) Break even analysis, Depreciation, life cycle costing. Software applications in life cycle cost analysis. Project Monitoring by SAP and other softwares.
  • Environmental Degradation and Resource Depletion: Environmental degradation due to energy production, transport, industries, mining and intensive agricultural practices, control of air and water pollution. Hazards of environmental pollution. Health problems, challenges and their remedies due to sone industry, textile industry, coal based thermal power plants and refinery cum petrochemical complex in Rajasthan. Challenges and utilisation of industrial by products (Like Flyash) in Rajasthan.
  • Depletion of natural resources due to population explosion and continuously rising standards of living. Environment impact analysis of projects, green technologies, Concept of sustainable development. National environmental laws. Carbon footprint of technologies, carbon credit system.
  • Dumping of Radioactive waste-methods and monitoring. Effect on health.
  • Development of Science and Technology: Information technology application in Project Designing, Project evaluation programme, implementation and monitoring.


  • Rajasthan Assistant Engineer Main Exam 2019 Syllabus – Download PDF
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